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𝖕𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 𝖚𝖓𝖗𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖕𝖆𝖓 𝖔𝖋 5 𝖘𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖘. students were pushing and shoving each other trying to escape from the godzilla want to be and in the process, i was trying to get gwen to follow them. "gwen just shut up and get your ass out of here i'll meet you outside when we handle him. now go!" i yelled over the screaming students."j-just be careful." she said quickly, i gave her one final shove as she looked peter and i over one last time before disappearing into the crowd. i quickly threw my bookbag to the ground as i broke into a sprint toward the lizard. i bounced off of the lockers souring through the air right above his head bringing a blast of energy down on him. his feet fumble under him but he was quick to defend himself as his large tail whipped around throwing me into the wall. ow.

i rolled back to my feet just as peter was taking his turn. he shot a web at the lizard's scaled feet making him fall to the floor before he climbed onto his back landing a good few punches on his head. his momentum didn't last all that long as he was slammed into the lockers and then through a classroom wall. i was quick to break peter's fall by catching him in midair and laying him down on his back. damn, that was close. i spotted peter's book bag at my father's feet so naturally, i slung it into the hole to peter. i couldn't really see where i was aiming unfortunately but i'm assuming it wasn't that good. "ow y/n!" peter yelled from the classroom. the crazed yellow eyes fell on me as the lizard whipped back around to focus on me. "oh shit-" i choked out at he quickly snatched me up by the back of my shirt lifting me into the air to be eye level with him. "i told you this not end well for you darling." he seethed digging his nails into my back. thinking quickly i materialized my suit onto my body before kicking into his chest sending me into the classroom and him to the opposite wall. with a thud, i rolled next to peter but shortly being bombarded again as the lizard tore through the wall after me.

peter shot at his legs again making him flop on the floor as i made a wall of energy on his back pressing him into the floor. "you got a plan or what?" i said struggling to keep him down. he was strong as hell i'll admit that and we were not prepared in the slightest. "not at the moment no." peter answered trying to keep him down as well. somehow he began to rise back to his feet fighting the shield. a terrifying smile spread on his scaled face as he swung his clawed hands at me throwing me into the rows of desks. i heard peter yell for me before another crash sounded through the room. this entire thing is going great. "all these souls lost and alone. i can save them i can cure them! there is no need to stop me!" he spoke with so much confidence it made me sick to my stomach. a groan left my lips as i felt myself be lifted again only this time his grip was on my neck. "just look at what i have given you darling! you can be so much more once you're cured!" he stroked my cheek with his other hand. "god do you ever shut up?" the sarcastic remark left my lips before i could stop myself. hey, the truth hurts bud. he tightened his grip making me gasp for air desperately as i clawed at his giant hands.

my vision was beginning to blur at the lack of oxygen. i could barely make out what was happening around me, including the sneaker that smacked my cold-blooded father upside the head. like a flash of lightning, peter leaped onto the desk clad in red and blue. "dad of the year sure isn't going to you pal." peter said shooting a web at my father's arm before snatching at it and making him release me. i was gasping for air the second i hit the floor. i could barely hold my head up as i heard peter and my father fighting in the halls. the occasional roar would send a chill down my spine. i was fighting with my own body desperate to help peter.

i reached up to one of the knocked-over desks and pulled myself up. curses left my lips as i forced my legs into a faster pace out of the destroyed classroom and down the tattered hall. i slid around the corner almost running into the caved-in wall. i finally found peter but not in the state i would i have preferred. he had just been slammed into the now-cracked window. i ignored the pain in my body as anger took over. with my power i twist on his scaled arm until he released peter. i flicked my fingers resulting in a satisfying crack from his arm. his pained roars filled the corridor as he tried to get out of my grip but i wasn't budging. i could feel my eyes fade into their purple glow as i wrapped the lavender hue around his body. i sent him to his knees hearing another crack come from his scales body. i stepped forward coming face to face with him and he snarled as he was still struggling in my grip. "don't make me take another one of your pathetic limbs father." a smirk grew on my face as his scaled features dropped into one of terror. i flicked my wrist sending him up into the ceiling then back down at my feet. he lay motionless for a moment before his head rose to look at me. "i am proud of the monster you've become darling..."


i gritted my teeth, "i'm not you." i stated before flinging his body through the double doors and watching him slither away. my breath became ragged as i felt a tear slip down my face. "y/n?" i heard peter getting up behind me. his hands gently held my shoulders as he turned me around before sliding up and holding my face. "hey hey it's ok. he's a maniac just trying to get under your skin." he wiped the tears away gently and i reached up to uncover his face just for a second. when his big brown eyes connected with mine i knew it was going to be ok. i can worry about everything else once my father is taken care of.

his kissed my forehead as i took in a sharp breath to calm myself down more. "i'm ok." i whispered meeting his eyes again. he leaned forward resting our foreheads against one anothers. "you're not gonna like what i'm about to ask you n/n." he whispered back looking at me wearily. i furrowed my brows telling him to elaborate. "he needs a cure." he started as he snaked his arms around my waist. "he probably has a lab or some shit down in the sewers because there is nothing at the house." i said simply still wondering what about this plan i wasn't going to enjoy. he nodded glancing down at our feet for a moment before looking back to me. "ok...i need you to go get gwen and-" he started but i was quick to cut him off. "we aren't splitting up on this peter." i said glaring at him. he squeezed my hips lightly telling me to calm down. "y/n we have to. he's not gonna be stopped unless we get a cure you know that." he said knowing i couldn't counter his argument.

after a moment of silence, i huffed, "fine." the distant sound of sirens could be heard at the front of the school. "change back to you're school clothes we can't have you outing yourself now." he stated with a cocky smile. i rolled my eyes at him as i flicked my wrist making my former outfit melt onto my body. " ta da!" i said sarcasm lacing my words as i am still not 100% on board with us splitting up. he leaned down connecting our lips for a quick kiss. when we separated he pulled his mask back down. "ok now don't kill me but i'm gonna throw you out the window now." he said simply as if it were nothing. excuse me bitch you're gonna do what now?

in the blink of an eye he snatched the remaining part of the widow out and drew my body closer. "i love you." was all he said before throwing me out the window. a small scream left my lips before i felt his webs wrap around my torso making me swing in midair. i looked up at him in the window, " YOU DID NOT JUST LEAVE IT LIKE THAT PETER!" i yelled at him. all he did was shrug with a little wave as i flipped him off. "LOVE YOU ANYWAY ASSHOLE!" i yelled after him as he ran down the hallway and out of my sight.

wait how the hell do i get down from here?

Published Dec. 2 , 2022

Edited Jan. 17 , 2023

𝖉𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now