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"𝖎𝖙'𝖘 𝖜𝖊𝖎𝖗𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖎'𝖒 𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖊𝖉."


my mind wandered back to that night on the rooftop. the night that peter and i unmasked ourselves. i promised him no more secrets but i guess i couldn't do that. "i mean he's a mad scientist who experimented on his only kid...him transforming into that freaky lizard isn't a far stretch in my opinion." i said blankly going back to cleaning his chest. the majority of the blood was gone so that was one upside to this whole situation. peter's hands slid back around my wrists as he wiggled into a better sitting position. he leaned his head down so that our eyes would be connected again.

"y/n what didn't you tell me?" his voice was stern as his hands slipped away from my wrists to hold my face. he stroked my cheek with his thumb slowly but his face was completely serious. "h-he's the reason i left eight years ago...because mom found out what he had done to me. t-then i come back here and he got the second douse in. that's how i got my powers." i quickly tried to wipe my eyes as tears began to blur my vision. "he didn't even care pete..."

he pulled me into a hug quickly and i didn't hesitate to bury my face into his neck. "shhh he's not gonna hurt you again i promise." he whispered into my ear as he stroked my hair. i pulled away for a moment and wiped away the few tears on my cheeks. i leaned my forehead onto his as we stared at each other. "and i'm not letting him hurt you again either." i said holding his face in my hands. he began to protest when i put a finger to his lips. "we're a team remember? you wanted us to be a team. so tough shit parker no more going out by yourself on suicide missions. we will take him down together, got it?" i squeezed his face silently begging for him to be on my side.

he leaned forward a little more brushing our noses together. his eyes stayed with mine as we stared into each other. "yes ma'am." he whispered before finally leaning in all the way and connecting our lips.

in an instant, everything seemed to float away. in this world, it was just me and peter. no lizards. no police. no worries. just peter parker and me being lost in the bliss.

when oxygen became more of a necessity we pulled away reluctantly. our foreheads were still pressed against each other's and our noses still brushing. we smiled at each other as peter tried to lean in again. i backed away teasing him slightly, but he sat up fully making him wince. "easy bug boy." i teased moving back to him. i kissed his nose before bringing my attention back to his injury. i brought the gauze to my hand looking from the small roll to the huge gashes along peter's chest. i bit my lip wondering if i could fix that somehow. "what are you thinking?" he asked tilting his head to the side.

"do you trust me?" i looked into his brown eyes as he gave me a small nod. he wrapped his arm around me and lift me up onto his lap for a full view of his injuries. his hands rested on my thighs and his eyes never left mine. i sucked in a big breath of air and positioned my hands to hover over his chest. the lavender hue soon danced over his injuries and before my eyes, the skin began to repair itself. it was halfway closed when my head began to ache. since i had never done this sort of thing i'm not shocked. repairing the skin cells was different than anything i have done before not to mention extremely detailed.

i released a shaky breath as my eyes squeezed shut. "hey hey that's enough n/n." peter said quickly lacing our fingers together and bringing our hands down. "you did amazing i didn't even know you could do that." he kissed my cheek making me open my eyes slowly. the headache wasn't as bad as the night on the bridge thank god. "i didn't either." i mumbled sending him a small smile to reassure him that i'm okay.

i heard footsteps coming down the hall and before we knew it gwen was back. she threw open her door in a haste before closing it and flopping again the wood with a hard sigh. she looked the two of us over with wide eyes as she opened her mouth trying to piece together what she wanted to say. looking down at my current position i can't blame her, here i am pretty much straddling my half-naked boyfriend on her chair. yeah, it's not a sight i'd wanna see either really.

"i thought i said no baby making...or well spider baby making." she finally let out as her shocked expression morphed into a smirk. i quickly got off of peter before grabbing one of her pillows and chunking it at the blonde. "gwen stacy get your head out of the nasty ass gutter!" i whisper yelled so her parents wouldn't hear us. she laughed dodging the pillow and skipped over to me. i had a frown on my face as i tried not to laugh. "i'm kidding n/n! anyway i think our spider friend needs to get to bed don't you think?" she asked throwing her arm over my shoulders. i brought my finger to my chin making a dramatic thinking expression. "i believe so." i said as we both looked down at peter who was still sprawled across her chair. "aw come on it's not that bad. y/n fixed most of it." he grumbled trying to get his arms back into the suit. "i'm gonna get him home you go back to sleep." i whispered to gwen to which she nodded. "if you need anything just let me know." she replied before giving me a hug and flopping onto her bed.

"alrightly..." i brought my hands out in front of me picturing peter's bedroom. truth be told i probably shouldn't keep using my powers this much. helping peter was draining enough and the portals were always sort of tiring but it'll be okay just this once. the purple sparks opened up to his bedroom as i grabbed his hand and helped him up. "thank you gwen." peter said as he looped his arm over my shoulders for some support. "of course and be careful! now go get rest we have school tomorrow." she said waving us out. i blew her a kiss to which she rolled her eyes before helping peter step through.


ily and thank you for reading <3

Published Oct. 2o , 2022

Edited Jan. 17 , 2023

𝖉𝖆𝖉𝖉𝖞 𝖎𝖘𝖘𝖚𝖊𝖘 ~ 𝖕𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now