First Sight

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The summer air carried the smell of flowers. The sun's rays gently warmed my pale face. There was a light breeze that blew through my lavender hair causing it to dance. Many other kids ran around the playground laughing and playing games. I sat alone on the swings. I didn't have any friends. Most kids just made fun of me because of my parents.

My dad was a normal man that possessed earth style chakra, but never pursued the life of a shinobi. My mother was from the Hyuga clan. She had the Byakugan but loved art too much to become a shinobi. They owned the only pottery shop in the Hidden Leaf Village. It was very popular and made a lot of money.

I watched as the kids ran around laughing and playing. Mom had encouraged me to go to the playground and make some friends. I knew if I didn't go she would worry.

I was gently swinging enjoying the peace of my solitude when 5 boys approached me. They were my age and about my size. They didn't seem friendly.

"Aren't you the daughter of that lame guy that plays with mud all day?c the middle one asked with his arms crossed.

"Actually yes! My mother and father own 'The Way of Earth' pottery shop. My name is Shiro! It's nice to meet you." I replied with a smile.

I thought that maybe if I was nice they'd like me and be my friends. They laughed at me. I didn't understand why.

"You're mom was a Hyuga. Shouldn't she have become a shinobi instead of some lame teapot maker?" He continued to make fun of my parents. "Seems like she knew her daughter would be a loser. Maybe she became a loser so you didn't have to feel alone!"

They laughed even harder at me. I felt so sad and didn't know what to do. Why were they doing this to me? I tried to smile but tears flooded my vision.

"No wonder she has no friends. She's useless!" Another one of the boys yelled.

I got angry. Deciding I was done being ridiculed I got off of the swing. I balled my fists running at the bows but only made it two steps before I tripped over a rock. The boys broke out into hysterical laughter.

"You're parents are probably so ashamed of you!" One said between laughs.

I got up looking at them with anger and hatred. My nose started to bleed from my fall. I tried to wipe away the tears. They fell too fast for my to wipe them away. I decided to walk away in shame.

What if they were right? I was just a useless girl. I'd never be cool. I was staring at the ground when I bumped directly into someone. I lost my balance and fell on my butt.

I looked up to see a boy my age with silver hair wearing a green scarf. He wore a black shirt with grey shorts and a mask that covered his nose and mouth.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned. "I saw those boys picking on you."

"Please don't bully me." I cried sitting on the ground. "I just want to go home."

"Here." He reached out his hand to help me up. "I was actually going to go tell them to stop picking on you."

"Why?" I asked taking his hand.

"It's not very nice to say those things." He pulled me up. "Besides my dad and I only use dishes from your mom and dad's shop. I think the shop is pretty cool. I didn't know they had a daughter."

I stood looking at him with tears still in my eyes. "Yeah, my name is Shiro Nagi. What's your name?"

"Kakashi Hatake." He replied with a smile. "Would you like for me to walk you home?"

"You don't have to." I mumbled.

"It's no problem. I walk by the shop on my way home." He responded.

"The shop is closed today." I said sniffling.

"Well I'll walk with you anyway." He said kindly.

We started walking to my house.

"So, are you going to start the academy in a month?" He asked after we'd walked for a few minutes in silence.

"I wanted to, but I figured I'd just learn pottery instead." I answered sadly. "Are you going to the academy?"

"Yes, and I plan to be the best student in the academy. I already know how to use kunai and shuriken. I can almost make perfect clones as well." Kakashi explained with pride. "You should join the academy."

I thought about it for a moment. "Maybe I should."

I looked up noticing we were a few feet from my house. My mom was out front tending to her hydrangea bushes. She looked over when she noticed we were walking up.

"Shiro!" She yelled running over to me. "What happened?"

"A group of boys were picking on her and she tripped on a rock as she went to run away." Kakashi explained to mom. "I thought maybe she could use a friend to walk her home."

"Oh, thank you very much Kakashi." Mom said as she looked me over. "We should go inside and get you cleaned up." Mom stood to take me inside.

We'd almost made it to the door when I realized something. "Kakashi!" I yelled running to him.

He turned as I came up to him. "Yes?" He responded.

"Maybe we could hang out soon?" I said with a smile.

"I live at the end of the road in the house with the blue door." He explained pointing to the house at the end of the road. "You could always come see me!"

"Ok." Replied. "Bye!"

"See you later." He said waiving as he walked away.

I went inside with mom. She took me to the kitchen. She picked up and sat me on the counter. She put warm water on a rag to wipe my face and my knees.

"Mom, could I go to the academy?" I asked shyly.

"I don't see a reason you couldn't, sweetheart." She answered sweetly. "I'll enroll you tomorrow."

"Thank you, momma!" I said excitedly.

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