Sit Down Boy

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I stood with my friends waiting for Daikoku sensei. There was a message on the board this morning to meet outside. I feared Kakashi may have been right.

"Good morning class! Today we're going to spar!" Daikoku sensei said excitedly walking up in front of the class. "Sparring is a great way to practice fighting skills against a real opponent."

The class went a buzz with whispers.

"Last night I drew names from a bowl and wrote them down. This way the selection was completely random." Daikoku sensei looked at his clipboard. "First will be Kakashi and Obito!"

Kakashi walked up calmly at the same time as Obito. The two faced each other looking determined.

"I bet Kakashi wins." Asuma whispered.

"Of course he will." Kurenai said.

"Go!" Daikoku sensei yelled.

Instantly the two of them went qt it. They quickly threw kicks and swipes at eachother. They dodged eachother's attacks so fluidly. Obito tried to jump and land a hit. Kakashi smoothly rolled under Obito to dodge and popped up to his feet. They went back to trying to hit eachother. Suddenly Obito spun kicking Kakashi in the stomach causing Kakashi to fall on his back. Kakashi laid holding his stomach.  Obito ran over and pushed Kakashi in the stomach. Kakashi poofed and Obito found himself with his fist in a log. Kakashi appeared behind Obito holding a kunai to his neck.

"Stop!" Daikoku yelled. "Good job, Kakashi. That was a great execution of the substitution jutsu!"

Kakashi helped Obito up and returned to my side. He hadn't even broken a sweat. Asuma and Kakashi fist bumped.

"Next is Shiro versus Ben!" Sensei announced.

I looked over at been from to corner of my eye. He smirked crossing his arms at me. We went up in front of the class and turned toward each. Stood with his fists clenched in a fighting stance. I stood straight up with my head tilted at him.

"Begin!" Sensei yelled stepping back.

Ben ran at me preparing to punch me. I jumped flipping over him. I turned landing a punch to his mid upper back. He spun around swiping at me. I ducked with ease. I used standing up as an opportunity to jump and try to spin kick him in the head. He ducked down dodging my kick. He came up and landed his palm hit on my shoulder. I glared at him. He snickered looking like a fool. I brought my foot up and kicked him in the chest. This caused him to fly back and land on his stomach. He started to get up but I'd already jumped over to him. I kicked him in the stomach making him flip to his back. I dropped to my knee bringing my fist down hard hitting him directly in the face.

"Sit down and stay down little boy." I whispered pulling my fist from his face.

"Stop there!" Sensei yelled. "Good job Mishi.

I walked away leaving Ben laying there in the dirt. Kakashi looked at me with narrowed eyes that I could tell were from a smirk. Kurenai and Asuma just stood mouthes hanging open in shock.

"You did great." Kakashi said as I stood beside him.

"It's all thanks to you, Kakashi sensei." I joked.

He laughed and ruffled my hair. "Oh whatever." He said giggling.

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