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I sat at the table looking at the onigiri Kakashi had made for us. It looked delicious but my body didn't want food. Kakashi sat close to me sipping his tea. He watched me closely waiting for me to eat.

"Remember when dad died and I didn't eat?" He asked placing his hand on my lower back.

I nodded thinking of how much I worried about Kakashi after Sakumo's death. "I remember."

Slowly I reached up picking up one of the little rice balls. I knew if I ate even one he'd find some sort of comfort. I took a bite tasting the perfectly prepared salmon filling. It was so good but my stomach clenched as if it was trying to reject it. I swallowed forcing the bite down.

At first I struggled to keep it down, but the moment it hit my stomach I knew I needed more. I started eating trying not to go too fast. Kakashi smiled softly and started eating with me. I finished my food in no time. I picked up my tea chugging it as fast as I could.

My body seemed to get over the fear in no time. Looking down I realized we were using the teacups I'd gifted Sakumo. It made me sad but brought me comfort at the same time. I rested my head on Kakashi's shoulder as he continued to eat his dinner.

When he finished he cleared the table. I felt exhausted and sore. When I was trapped I didn't pay attention to much other than getting out of that place. Now I had to deal with the fear and pain I didn't have time to process while I'd been there.

Kakashi returned gently helping me to my feet. He hadn't worn his mask or headband since we'd gotten home earlier. Seeing his face and the kind gentle look in his eye brought me some remnant of peace. We walked back to the bathroom. He started running a warm bath keeping a hold of my hand. Wrapping his arms around me he held me tight.

"I'll never let you go anywhere alone again." He reassured me.

"I love you, Kakashi." I whispered.

"I love you, Shiro." He replied softly.

"While I was in there I kept myself safe just by thinking about getting home to you." I confessed. "No matter how bad the pain was I pictured your face and the way it felt to be in your arms. I thought of all of my friends and how I knew someone had to be looking for me."

"Lady Tsunade ordered me to stay here incase you returned." He informed me. "I knew it was because she was scared that not being able to find you would cause me pain. Due to your abilities tracking you down became an S rank mission. She informed me that she had everybody she could afford to send out looking for you. It was comforting for the first couple of weeks but I feared you were dead."

He walked over turning off the water. He kissed my forehead gently caressing my cheek. He made sure I had all I needed before walking out of the room. I undressed and the cold air brushed my skin. Carefully I climbed in the warm water laying back. The needle marks on my arm sent me back to the laboratory. Kabuto's twisted smile as he stuck the needle in my arm. The intense burning pain that the transfusions brought me. All of it flooded my head.

Hugging my knees I began to sob. What else had he done to me? What result was he hoping to see? Why did I have to be the one to meet him? Why did I ever trust him?

After I washed off I got out of the bath. The tub drained as I dried off and got dressed. I opened the door to see Kakashi sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for me. Walking over I sat by him. We laid back as I rested my head on his chest. My eyes closed as my body fully relaxed. I was safe again.

Kabuto walked up to me. Everything around us was black and had a dark feeling. He smiled a twisted smile before sliding a needle in my arm. I blinked seeing I was back in the laboratory. Had returning home been a dream? I struggled trying to break free but I couldn't move. Tears fell down my cheeks as I sat paralyzed. All I could do was scream and cry.

I was shook awake by a very worried Kakashi. He looked at me horrified. I'd scratched my arm till it had started bleeding.

"I'll go get the first aid kit." Kakashi stated getting up in a rush.

I was nauseous and my head throbbed. Trying to catch my breath I looked at my terribly torn up arm. I couldn't even get a good night of sleep.

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