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It had been three years since Nuffle joined the family. He'd adapted nicely and with the help of one of my old class mates Tsume I was able to train him.

I sat studying with Nuffle at my feet. Today was Kakashi's 9th birthday. We'd planned a surprise party for him. Minato had him out with Obito and Rin on a fake mission.

"Shiro!" Mom called.

I got up running to the kitchen. Mom stood with Asuma's mom and Kurenai's parents. Asuma and Kurenai were in the backyard playing. Kushina and Daikoku sensei were sitting on the couch having a discussion. Rin's and Obito's parent stood behind the couch laughing at something Obito's dad had said.

"Yes, mom?" I said looking at her.

"Could you help me, sweetheart?" She asked with a smile.

"Mhm." I nodded walking over.

I helped take dishes mom had prepared to the table. Dad stood waiting outside with the door open. He looked around and walked in quickly. Suddenly Minato, Obito, and Rin walked in the open back door.

"He's coming." He whisper yelled.

Quickly I ran standing beside the couch. Kakashi started to walk in and looked up.

"Surprise!" We all yelled together.

Kakashi stared blinking in shock. I ran over hugging him. He gently wrapped his arms around me.

"I thought maybe we could have a real birthday party for you." I whispered.

We separated and Kakashi looked at me sighing. "Thank you, Shiro." He smiled lightly.

~~~~After the Party~~~~

I'd helped mom clean up while Kakashi moved his gifts to his room with the help of dad. Nuffle laid on the back porch sleeping.

Once everything was taken care of I went to Kakashi's room. He was sitting on his bed looking up at the picture of him and Sakumo. I sat beside him putting my hand on his back. He pulled his mask down letting out a sigh as he hung his head. Gently I hugged him trying to comfort him.

"Did you really plan that?" He asked emotionlessly.

"Well it was my idea. Mom and dad planned it." I answered.

He nodded grabbing the pajamas he had sitting beside him. He got up walking away leaving me all alone. Maybe I'd said or done something during the party. No, he still wasn't ok. It may have been years but Kakashi loved his father so much. He missed him every day.

I looked up at the pictures on his shelf. There were many of us together and even ones of the whole family.

I looked to the picture of him and Sakumo. "I'm doing everything I can Sakumo. He's still hurting, but I'm trying. He's become cold and distant. I know that he may never be the Kakashi I remember again. I'll continue to love him and care for him. Till my last breath. I'll never break my promise."

I stood walking to my room to see Nuffle laying on my bed waiting for me. I changed and crawled into bed. I snuggled up to Nuffle hugging him. I burried me face in his black fur and cried.

I just wanted Kakashi to be ok again.

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