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We got back with all of my new clothes and I put the away in my new closet. I opened up the back door and walked out. Looking at the backyard I remembered all of the times we trained back here.

Standing in the middle of the yard I looked at the targets tied to three of the trees. I focused my water chakra to my hands and my wind chakra to me feet. Pulling the water from the ground I made three balls of water. Kicking up I sent one flying turning it the an ice spike. Focusing my wind chakra to my hands I punched the other two one at a time achieving the same results. All three landed me a perfect bullseye.

I heard a door open and jumped backwards. Landing on the roof of the back porch I looked around. I didn't see anybody. Stealthily I crawled to the edge looking down to see Kakashi in a robe sipping a cup of tea. I smirked mischievously preparing to surprise him.

A kunai came down in front of my throat. Shocked I turned looking to see Kakashi in his robe and pants with his tea. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"What are you doing up here?" He asked in his typical calm tone.

"I was practicing my jutsus in the backyard when I heard the door open I jumped up here." I explained.

"And then you planned to attack me." He said before sipping his tea.

"Not attack you. Just scare." I confessed giggling.

Kakashi smirked pocketing his kunai as he stood. "You almost succeeded."

"You're still too fast and smart." I said sighing.

"Well I'm being called in." He said looking down at me. "You are too."

I was confused. "What do you mean? Lady Hokage?"

"That's exactly what I mean." He said jumping to the ground not spilling a drop of tea. "Get dressed to go to the Hokage's office."

"Ok." I said sadly.

I jumped down returning to my room. I changed into my normal clothes and strapped my katana to my back. I was ready to meet the new Hokage. Walking out I went to the livingroom to see Kakashi fully dressed and waiting.

We left the house running towards the Hokage's mansion. It was a short distance away. When we got there the door was open. We walked in standing in the middle of the room side by side.

A lady with blonde hair and a huge chest sat at the desk glancing over some paperwork. I knew exactly who she was. Lady Tsunade, one of the Legendary Sannin.

"Welcome home, Shiro Nagi." She said looking up at me with a smile.

"Thank you, Lady Hokage." I politely bowed.

"Please call me Tsunade." She said smiling. "Kakashi, I understand that you and Shiro are partners?"

"Yes." Kakashi answered simply.

"And you were the first one to train her?" She asked looking directly at Kakashi.

"Yes, ma'am." Kakashi answered again.

"I want you to test her new abilities." She started. "I also want you two to train together. As of today you two will be a team. When you go on missions Shiro is to join you. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Lady Tsunade." He replied calmly.

"You two are dismissed." She said before returning to her paperwork.

We bowed before leaving the office. Following Kakashi I wondered what he was thinking. Why did she decide to team us up before even knowing my abilities?

"So, we get to spar like the good ole days." I giggled running up next to Kakashi.

He raised an eyebrow at my and chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we do. I have to warn you though. It won't be as easy as when we were kids."

"You're right." I smirked. "Because I'm going to kick your ass." I laughed.

Kakashi smiled chuckling. "We'll see about that."

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