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The morning had been peaceful. We'd just had breakfast when I alone was summoned. Kakashi told me to stop by and tell him what was going on if I was leaving.

Lady Hokage sat staring over the scroll. "This is a low rank mission but you specifically were requested." She explained. "You'll be going to the Daiku village to help with a thief. There are reports of shops being broken into and merchandise being stolen."

"I will take this mission. Daiku village was my home for a year so it makes sense that they asked for me." I smiled.

~~~~On the Road to Daiku Village~~~~

I walked through the familiar woods. The air smelled of fresh cut wood meaning I was getting close. When I saw a familiar face walking in the opposite direction of me I got so excited.

"Ken!" I waved excitedly.

"Shiro, long time no see!" He smiled waving back.

His silver hair had been cut and he was wearing it down. His round glasses and smile warmed my heart. He walked up hugging me tight.

"I've missed you, dear friend!" I said as I hugged back.

"Why must you always say friend?" His tone darkened and I felt a quick stab in my neck. "Even if your heart belongs to Kakashi you belong to me now."

I tried to push him away but I became disoriented. "Ken..." I was weak and felt woozy. I couldn't keep my eyes open. Everything just went black.

~~~~ A while later ~~~~

When my eyes opened I still felt a bit dizzy. My headband and all of my ninja tools had been taken. I laid in a bed in an empty room with bars closing me in.

"I see you're awake." Ken said cheerfully as he approached the bars.

"Ken... I... I don't understand." I was still dizzy.

"I should probably go ahead and tell you my real name." He smiled crossing his arms. "My name is Kabuto Yakushi. I was Lord Orochimaru's right hand man, but seeing as Sasuke Uchiha murdered Lord Orochimaru I now follow my own path."

I'd heard of Orochimaru but never Kabuto. "Why are you doing this?" I asked weakly.

"You see at one point I'd asked you to stay with me and you turned me down." He explained. "Now that I'm on my own I decided to commit a few petty crimes. After that I was able tho plant and idea amongst members of the village to request that you be the one to come help them. Now you're here with me. You'll stay here with me aswell. I hope this morning was a good one. It will be the last time you see Kakashi."

"Kabuto." I snarled. "You better not think I'll be falling in love with you. I'll kill you the first chance I get. If I don't I know Kakashi will."

"I doubt Kakashi will ever know where to look. Besides we're not even in the land of fire anymore." He tilted his head smiling at me. "You'll find love for me eventually. Meanwhile I have some experiments that I've been need a subject for. I sure hope they don't kill you. I'd hate to be without my love."

Laying there I glared up thinking of all the different ways I'd end up hurting him. I wasn't going to stay here and play lab rat. One thing for sure was I'd never love him.

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