The Old Man

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We arrived back at the village with no complications. Yutzo and I had completely caught up. The two of us were exhausted from our journey. Night had fallen and Yutzo refused to let me go home in the dark.

I walked up to the old farmhouse feeling the nostalgia wash over me in one huge wave. The lights were on in the house meaning Kuya was home. Slowly I walked up and slid of my shoes. Reaching up I gently knocked on the door. The old man that answered the door was nothing close to what I remembered Kuya looking like, but I knew it was indeed him. Those eyes and that kind expression was unmistakable.

"Shiro Nagi?" He said squinting at me. "Is that really you?"

"It sure is, Kuya." I smiled at the old farmer.

"Well I'll be! Come in! I just got done making curry rice!" He said excitedly waiving me in. "How have you been?"

"I spent the last 18 years traveling. After my last town I decided to go home." I explained.

"Was that Kakashi Hatake still waiting?" He asked smirking.

"He was. I live with him now." I giggled.

We sat at the table and I told him of my adventures just as he would when I was a child. Kuya seemed enthralled by my tales. I kept having to remind him to eat or else he'd sit there hanging from my every word. It was strange to think that at one time I was the one that would forget to eat.

"You know after you left Yutzo always said he'd find and marry you." He laughed heartily. "When he met his wife that all faded away. It seems it was for the best. The boy never would have fell in love. You were young but I could tell your heart truly did belong to that Kakashi."

I smiled clearing the table. "What about you? Did you ever remarry?"

"I know Hana wanted me to but I never could bring myself to do it." He explained as his voice left the room.

Washing the dishes I looked up to see a photo in the windowsill. It was of Kuya and Hana on their wedding day. I smiled softly thinking of how much love and devotion Kuya had for his late wife. Kuya returned and I turned around to see him holding my old staff.

"I held onto this for you." He explained looking down at the old staff.

"Thank you, Kuya." I replied politely. "I'll make sure to keep it with me everywhere I go."

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