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I looked up at the gates of the Hidden Leaf. It had been a while. I smiled softly walking to the guard post.

Two guards sat at the gate. They watched me as I approached. Kindly I waived with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Shiro Nagi." I introduced myself.

"I've heard that name before." One of them said. He looked familiar. He gasped as realization swept over his face. "Oh my! Shiro! It's your old classmate Ben!"

"Oh my old bully!" I said giggling.

Ben blushed. "Yeah, I'm sorry about that." He apologized. "You've grown well. I'm sure Kakashi will drop when he sees you now. 19 years right."

I let his compliments pass through me. "It has been 19 years." I smiled. "How is Kakashi?"

"He's well. Became a sensei. Never got married. Walks around reading weird pervy books." He chuckled sitting back in his chair comfortably. "How about you? Ever find a lucky man?"

"I did when I was about-" I started.

"Do my eyes deceive me!" A familiar old voice yelled.

Instantly a smile spread across my face.

"Hello, Guy." I said turning.

"Shiro Nagi! Have you finally decided to come home?" He yelled.

"Yes, Guy. I'm here for good." I said calmly. "Would you happen to know where I can find-"

"Kakashi! I just saw him near the old pottery shop with his students!" Guys enthusiasm was always a great way to be greeted. "Two long lost lovers reuniting! I'm sure it would be enough to move a man."

I walked quickly thanking Guy. Starting to run I felt my heart pounding in my chest. My long lavender hair flowed in the wind behind. I clenched my fists with anxiety.

Finally I saw him standing alone looking defeated with a book in his hand. His back was to me. I walked up behind him slowly. He hadn't changed a bit.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

His head lifted slowly. He gently closed his book putting it in his back pouch. Slowly he turned to face me. I looked up at him nervously. He lifted his hand opening the top left pocket of his flak vest. Gently he pulled out the old necklace I'd given to him. I reached in my shirt and revealed my old necklace he'd made for me.

"Shiro?" He whispered in disbelief.

"Kakashi." I smiled my lip trembling.

Kakashi swiftly pulled me to him. I wrapped my arms around him as I started to gently sob.

"I've missed you." He whispered holding me tight.

"I missed you too." I whispered back between sobs.

"Kakashi sensei!" A girls voice called from behind Kakashi.

We stood there unmoving. Kakashi didn't show any signs but I felt tears hit my shoulder.

"Your husband isn't going to come out of nowhere is he?" Kakashi asked quietly.

"Don't have one. I promised my heart to one person. I never broke that promise." I whispered gently running my fingers through his hair.

"I only ever wanted to be with you." He replied.

"Does that mean you're still my boyfriend?" I asked giggling.

"I never considered myself anything else." He answered.

"Uh Kakashi sensei?" A boys voice said confused.

"I think your students need you." I whispered giggling.

"They can wait." He said seriously.

After a moment I pulled back. I looked up at his face. He still wore that mask and covered his eye. I got on my tiptoes kissing his cheek.

"Kaka-" The boys voice started.

There was a thud noise. "Naruto leave them alone! We can wait!" The girl's voice said.

"Sakura that hurt!" The boy I'm assuming to be Naruto said.

Kakashi chuckled with an unshakable smile. He kept his arm around me as he turned to face the kids. The boy had a lump amongst his blonde hair. The girl stood there with a sweet smile.

"Guys I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend. Her name is Shiro Nagi." Kakashi introduced me calmly with a smile.

I smiled gently. "Nice to meet you!"

"She's so pretty!" Sakura squealed.

"We didn't know you had a girlfriend!" Naruto exclaimed shocked and confused.

"How long have you been together?" Sakura asked in awe.

"Well he asked me to be his girlfriend when we were about 6 years old, but I've been away for 19 years. I just got back." I explained.

"Was there something you needed?" Kakashi asked the two.

"We were going to ask if you wanted to get ramen with us." Sakura explained. "Though it seems you're already busy. So we'll see you later!"

Sakura dragged away Naruto.

"That boy reminds me of Minato." I said giggling. "How is Minato?"

"That's because that's Minato's son. Minato died the day Naruto was born." Kakashi explained solemnly.

"Oh, it seems I've missed a lot." I said.

"I'm supposed to be having dinner with some of our old friends. Wanna join?" Kakashi asked politely.

"Of course I do." I replied smiling.

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