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It had been about three months since school had started. Kakashi was making top marks leaving me in second place. I was proud of him for all that he'd accomplished. He still walked me to school every day. He also held my hand and carried my bag for me every day on the way home.

Kurenai was so excited when I told her Kakashi was my boyfriend. Asuma would playfully tease Kakashi about having a girlfriend. Kakashi and I knew it was because he was too chicken to tell Kurenai how he felt. Kurenai refused to be the first to admit it especially after finding out Kakashi admitted his feelings first. Everything seemed so perfect.

I was dressed and ready for school. I'd studied the whole night before after having been out with Kakashi to get mochi. I walked out to see mom sitting on the couch with dad. Something felt wrong.

Dad heard me walking in and turned around. Mom noticed his movement and turned around too. Mom's eyes were red like she'd been crying a lot. Dad looked like he'd gotten bad news.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Mom said with a raspy voice.

"Honey we need to talk to you." Dad said in an empty tone.

I was terrified. I walked over standing in front of them. Mom and dad looked at eachother then back to me.

"Sweetheart, you won't be going to school today." Mom paused as tears formed in her eyes. "What we are about to tell you is going to be really hard to hear. Just know that everything will be ok."

Mom's voice caught as she choked back tears.

"Last night we got some really bad news." Dad started as he looked up at me. "Sakumo is dead. He killed himself. Kakashi found him when he went to get some water in the middle of the night."

Tears filled my eyes so fast. I started shaking and clenched my fists. I stared in complete disbelief and confusion. This had to be some sick joke.

"He left a note saying why he did it." Dad continued with tears in his eyes. "In it he also asked that Kakashi live with us. So, Kakashi will be moving into the spare room. He will need your help getting through this."

"No... I don't believe you." I said as tears ran down my cheeks. My heart ached so bad and a lump had formed in my throat.

I completely broke down. I screamed and cried, but the pain was unending. Mom and dad pulled me between them hugging me close. They cried as they held me.

"We know this hurts, baby." Mom said between sobs. "We know how much you loved Sakumo. Right now Kakashi needs you. You'll have to be strong for him."

"Kakashi." I whispered realizing I needed to go to him. "Do you know where he is?"

"Nobody has seen him since they took Sakumo away." Dad said.

I stepped back from their grasps. "I know where he is." I stated looking at them wiping away my tears. "I need to go to him."

"Ok, sweetheart." Dad said crying.

"We love you." Mom added.

"I love you too." I said gathering my strength.

I quickly got my shoes on and ran out of the house. I ran as fast as my legs would push me. Running through the woods I held back my tears. Eventually I saw the clearing ahead of me. Kakashi stood staring down at the ground.

I walked up behind him. Pulling his arm I turned him around. His eyes were so red and puffy. I pulled him close. He stood there in my arms shaking. I eased us to the ground. I held him burying my face in his hair. Weakly Kakashi wrapped his arms around me. He squeezed me with all of his strength screaming into my shoulder. I tightened my hold on him.

"It's going to be ok. I will always be here for you." I whispered as tears flooded my eyes. "I made a promise to Sakumo I'd always be here by your side. I'll never let you be alone."

He clutched my shirt in his fists continuing to scream and cry he held onto me. Gently I ran my fingers through his hair. I rubbed his back trying my hardest to comfort him.

Eventually Kakashi stopped screaming. He laid there against my chest sobbing. I nuzzled the top of his head lightly.

"I have no home now." He muttered heartbroken.

"You do." I whispered. "You'll be living with my family. They'll give you all of their love. I know it's not the same, but we will do everything we can to make things ok again."

"I don't want to be alone." He whispered.

"I'll never leave you alone." I said softly as I squeezed him.

Rain started to pour down. We sat in silence getting completely soaked. I wanted nothing more than to be able to take away all of his pain. I'd made a promise to Sakumo that I'd never break. I'd always be there for Kakashi. I'd take care of him forever.

"Let's go home." I whispered petting the back of Kakashi's head.

"Ok." He agreed exhausted.

I helped him off of the ground. Putting my arm around him we walked in silence. I held his hand with my other hand. He let his head hang staring at the ground. We got to the house and he slid the door open. I hadn't let him go.

Mom and dad looked up at us.

"Oh you guys are soaked." She said with nothing but care in her voice as she walked over to us. "Why don't you two go get changed into some pajamas. I'll make you some echinacea tea and grab a blanket."

We walked to our rooms. I got changed into my pajamas quickly. I stood outside of Kakashi's door waiting for him. He stepped out looking up at me. I held out my hand and he took it. We went to the livingroom to sit on the sofa. Kakashi let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around me. I held him as mom wrapped us in a big soft blanket. Dad sat our cups of tea on the coffee table.

We sat there for second before I leaned forward to grab a cup for Kakashi. Gently I handed it to him. I grabbed mine sitting back. We sipped our tea for a few minutes. Kakashi went to sit his back on the table but I stopped him. I sat my cup down before taking his placing it next to mine.

As I sat back Kakashi wrapped his arms around me again. I held him resting my cheek on the top of his head. Closing my eyes I let myself rest. I knew I had to be strong for him. He would need all of our love. I wouldn't let him hurt by himself. I'd never let him be alone.

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