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I sat the basket on the ground. Kakashi looked around at the clearing. His eyes held both peace and pain.

"Why did you bring me here?" Kakashi asked.

"I thought maybe it would cheer you up." I smiled replying to his question.

"Oh." He said letting his head hang.

I sat up our spot on the ground. Mom had packed juice, fruit sandwiches, and sweet dumplings. I sat looking up at him. Something about him seemed off.

"I'm going to start training again tomorrow." He informed sitting beside me.

"Ok." I said handing him a sandwich. "What are we going to practice?"

Kakashi stared at the sandwich. "I'll be training by myself."

"Why?" Concern filled my voice.

"Because I have to become stronger. Trying to train both of us will only slow me down." His demeanor was completely cold.

"I'm sorry." I apologized feeling a little hurt.

Kakashi and I always trained together. It's true I could barely keep up with him, but I thought I did pretty good. Maybe he had realized I was becoming a burden. I didn't want to slow him down. I wanted him to accomplish his dreams no matter what they may be.

I ate my sandwich contemplating what choices I had. How would I learn without him? I know school was a good learning place but Kakashi had taught me so much. Maybe it was time to follow my own path.

"You're not mad at me are you?" Kakashi asked sweetly.

I realized I'd been crying. "No." I wiped my eyes.

"No!" He lunged at me hugging me. "I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"It's ok. I know I'm a burden to you." I said breaking down into a full on sob.

"I don't feel that way at all." He whispered. "I wouldn't ask you to be my girlfriend if I felt that way."

I hugged Kakashi tightly burying my face in his scarf. I loved him so much. I never wanted him to leave.

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