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Breakfast had been silent that morning. We all barely ate anything. Kakashi stayed glued to my side. We'd fallen asleep on the couch the day before. Mom would come in to check on us but knew that the only way Kakashi would rest was if he had me.

I remember at one point I couldn't sleep. She walked in as I laid there with Kakashi's arms still wrapped around me. She'd told me she was proud of me for taking care of him. I confessed that he was my boyfriend friend and she giggled telling me she already knew. We'd made sure to whisper as quietly as possible, but he was completely asleep. She told me that I could do whatever I needed to in order to help him. She also explained that if he couldn't sleep it was ok to come out to the sofa to make sure he slept. Both her and dad were extremely worried about him. They didn't want him to have to go through all of that pain. I told her about my promise to Sakumo. She explained that I needed to keep that promise no matter what. I told her I would never break it.

Kakashi had went to the backyard and sat on one of the branches of the cherry tree. Fall was approaching fast. The leaves had turned shades of yellow, orange, and red. He sat watching them as they fell. I sat on the ground giving him distance while refusing to leave him alone.

Earlier Asuma's father had stopped by to talk to Kakashi. He'd explained that Sakumo had killed himself because of a decision he'd made during his last mission. Apparently he'd decided to save his friends and the mission failed because of it. Neither of us knew it but the village despised Sakumo because of that choice. Kakashi never said a word during the visit. He just sat staring at the coffee table holding my hand.

"Shiro!" Mom waived for me to come to her from the back door.

I looked up at Kakashi. "Is it ok if I go talk to mom?" I asked.

He simply nodded. I got up and ran to mom. I turned keeping my eye on the tree. Kurenai and Asuma walked up beside me.

"How is he?" Kurenai asked.

"He hasn't left my side. He's hurting bad." I informed them.

"How are you doing?" Asuma asked.

"I'm sad, but I have to be strong for him." I answered.

"Do you think we could see him?" Asuma asked politely.

"I can ask him. He hasn't said a word since we got home yesterday." I explained.

"That's ok. We just want to let him know we are here for him." Kurenai said sadly.

I ran over to the tree. Looking up at Kakashi I took a deep breath. His pain surrounded him like a cloud.

"Kakashi." I called up to him. "Kurenai and Asuma want to know if they can see you. Is that ok with you?"

He nodded slowly. He jumped down only looking at me. I brushed his bangs from his face.

"Let's sit down." I suggested.

I helped Kakashi to the ground. He laid his forehead on my shoulder letting his hair block his face. I waived Kurenai and Asuma over. They walked over slowly. They sat side by side in front of us.

"Hey there, bud." Asuma said gently taking Kakashi's hand. "We missed you guys at school today. We decided to come see you and let you know we are here for you."

A tear fell down Kurenai's cheek. "We care about you a lot." She started. "Shiro and her family are going to take great care of you."

Kakashi looked up to Asuma. He had tears in his eyes. Asuma pulled Kakashi to him and held him. Kakashi started sobbing. Kurenai gently placed her hand on Kakashi's back. I scooted closer and hugged the three of them with Kakashi in the middle. We sat like this for a while. We only let go when Kakashi stopped crying.

"Mom made you two matcha cookies and red bean cakes." Kurenai said wiping away tears. "I left them with Mrs. Nagi."

"Thank you." I said softly as I held Kakashi.

"We are going to let you have your space." Asuma said looking at Kakashi. "We'll see yo tomorrow."

The two got up leaving. Kakashi laid there in my arms. I gently helped him up.

"Let's eat." I whispered as I saw mom signaling dinner was ready.

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