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I laid in the grass behind my house. The sky was cloudy and it smelled like rain was on the way. I watched the clouds float by peacefully. Everything felt at peace. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of the sun on my skin.

I was lost in a state of blissful relaxation. The sound of somebody letting out a deep breath caught my attention. I opened my eyes looking over to see Kakashi laying in the grass beside me.

"Oh... hi." I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Kakashi whispered back.

"Do you notice how quiet it is? It's because there's rain coming and everybody is inside." I explained quietly.

He stayed silent for a moment. "I didn't notice." He whispered. "It's nice."

I turned my gaze back to the clouds. I didn't think Kakashi actually wanted to be my friend. I thought he was just being nice after watching me get picked on.

"You never came to see me." Kakashi sounded sad.

"I didn't think you meant it." I muttered sadly. "I thought you were only being nice to me because of what those bullies said."

"If I were worried about myself I would have just left you there like the rest of the kids on the playground." He said resting his hands behind his head. "Nobody should be treated like that no matter who their parents are."

I laid there contemplating Kakashi's words. It would have been easier for him to let me walk home alone. He didn't have to be kind to me.

"Kakashi." I kept my eyes on the clouds. "Will you be my friend... forever."

"Sure, Shiro." He answered staring at the sky.

"Shiro!" Mom called my name.

I sat up to see her walking out of the back door. She looked at Kakashi and I with a smile. She was holding some papers.

"I got you enrolled in the academy!" She said excitedly. "Is there anything you want for dinner? As a celebration?"

I thought about all of mom's tastiest dishes. "I know what would be great. Can we have curry rice?" I asked kindly.

"Of course, sweetheart. Kakashi would you like to join us for dinner?" Mom asked with a gentle smile.

Kakashi looked to me and the back at mom. "Oh, if you want me to. I don't want you to have to do any extra work." Kakashi sounded surprised.

"Dear, it's ok. We're never able to finish all of it anyway!" Mom giggled.

Mom went inside with a big smile. I looked at Kakashi who stared at the door. I decided to lay down again.

"You are going to the academy?" Kakashi asked as he laid back.

"Yeah, I thought that it could be fun." I answered playing with my shirt.

"I'm glad you're going." He turned to me. "I think you're kind of cool."

I smiled and giggled. Kakashi was kind of cute. I thought it when I first saw him, but I didn't give it much attention. Now as we laid there in the grass I realized... I had a crush on him.

I turned away from Kakashi and looked to the sky. "I don't know how to use ninja tools or use my ninjutsu. Everyone is going to make fun of me." I stated realizing that I indeed had no skill with any of that stuff.

"Most students won't be very good with that stuff either." Kakashi paused for a moment. "I could teach you!"

I was surprised by his kindness. "Yeah! I'd like that!" I said with a big smile. "When should we start?"

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