Meeting and Project

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A lot had happened since the picnic. Kakashi made not only genin but chunin too. I'd become a genin the day after his chunin exams. I'd convinced the hokage I was ready even thought we still had six months of school left. He let me take the test. When I passed he told me I could do small missions around the village while I waited for my teammates to graduate. It only took Kakashi a year in the academy to graduate. I was in for a year and a half.

Kakashi had become kind of a jerk to most people. Except me and my parents of course. He treated all of us with love. It seemed crazy that we'd all lived together for more than a year now. Sakumo had also been dead for more than a year. We all still missed him greatly, but Kakashi hurt the most.

Walking down the sidewalk I shivered. I wore my jacket but my face was so cold. Rubbing my cheeks I tried to warm my face. The snow was so beautiful. Not many people were outside.

"Hey you!" A voice called out.

Somebody came running up behind me. It was a boy with long black hair and abnormally large eye brows. He wore a light green jacket and green pants with orange leg warmers. Around his neck was an orange scarf. I looked at him as he stared at me strangely.

"Wow. I didn't know flowers still bloomed in the winter." He said in a daze he shook his head and snapped up straight. "My name is Might Guy!" He point to himself smiling with his chin tilted up.

I giggled. "My name is Shiro Nagi." I replied politely smiling.

"Do you need a scarf? You look a bit cold." He asked starting to take off his scarf.

Lightly something started to wrap around my neck. It smelled just like Kakashi. I looked down to see that it was Kakashi's scarf. I spun around and looked up to see Kakashi looking at me. Quickly I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

"You win again!" Guy said frustrated.

"Actually this is my girlfriend." Kakashi said holding me.

"When did you get home!" I asked excitedly.

"Just now. You act like I was on some dangerous mission." He burried his face in my shoulder.

"You were gone so long!" I squeezed him tighter.

"I told you it was a week long escort mission." He squeezed me causing me to let go. "It was easy."

I remembered that Guy boy was still there. I turned around to see him looking a bit defeated. Kakashi sighed and shook his head.

"If you include Shiro it's a tie, but I didn't even know you when I asked her to be my girlfriend." Kakashi said annoyed.

"A loss is a loss." Guy said sadly. "Since I've lost I will go do 500 push ups in the snow!" He yelled standing up straight and running away.

"What was he talking about, Kakashi?" I asked curiously.

"Guy has deemed himself my rival." Kakashi explained. "Let's get to the pottery shop."

Kakashi put his arm around me. His scarf helped keep my face warm. We got to the shop and dad greeted us. We went back to the workshop and put on our aprons. Kakashi had learned to make many things, but really enjoyed making vases.

Today I had a few plans. I started turning some clay. Before I knew it I'd made about 10 mugs. I gently placed them in the kiln using shelves. Now I got to real project. I sat with a big lump of clay and  started working. Kakashi looked at me and seemed shocked.

"You're not trying to make what I think you're trying to make." He said in disbelief.

I didn't answer as this would take all of my concentration. Working I formed what looked like a bubble vase with a narrow hole on top. Kakashi sighed in relief. I removed the piece bringing it to the table.

I sat with the piece working carefully. Focused I shaped pieces of clay and attached them to the bubble. It had come together perfectly. This would need a handle. I made one with a swirl on the bottom and attached it. I measured the opening on the top before placing it in a kiln. I left the kiln off so I could make the other piece. Returning to the when I quickly made a lid with a butterfly on top for a handle. I added it to the kiln before turning it on.

"Wait." Kakashi said upset. "I didn't get to see."

"Too late!" I said smiling. "The kiln is on."

Kakashi got up disappointed placing his bowls in the kiln. He closed the kiln turning it on. Yawning I stretched as my stomach growled.

"Let's go home." Kakashi said taking my hand.

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