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Focusing I channeled my snake sage chakra. I felt the power flow through my body like a bolt of lightning. Quickly I wove my handsigns and summoned Kusho.

"I need your help." I started. "War has been declared against all shinobi and I still haven't learned what I can do with this new chakra."

"Look around you with your Byakugan your range should be greatly increased." She explained. "You should also take notice that you are much faster, stronger, and have more chakra."

Looking around I saw the increase in my visual abilities. Not only could I see chakra networks, but I could also see the heat signatures of living creatures.

"This is strange." I stated as I admired this new power.

Kusho lowered her head beside me as she spoke. "You'll adjust to it soon I'm sure."

Letting my eyes rest I turned and hung my head. "I can't believe we are actually going to war. I wish things could just be peaceful."

"So, this is why you've been leaving the village with Yamato everyday since we returned." Kakashi's voice came from behind me.

As I turned around I saw Kakashi and Yamato walking up to us. Kakashi's eyebrow was raised showing he was either impressed or surprised. Kusho carefully moved over to smell Kakashi.

"This is your mate? Your smell lingers on him." She stated aloud as she went back to her previous position.

Walking over I sniffed Kakashi. "I'd never notice. It would make sense that he smells like me a little." I met Kakashi's eye feeling nervous. "And yes, he is my husband."

"This is the effect of Kabuto's expirements?" Kakashi's asked holding my gaze. I nodded feeling tension build within me. "You did it."

"Did what?" I asked curiously.

His eye softened. "You've not only impressed me but you've possibly surpassed me."

"She has definitely surpassed you." Kusho boasted on my behalf. "I feel now would be the appropriate moment to tell you that a loving peck may not be a wise idea."

Turning my head I gave Kusho a confused look. "Why?"

Kusho... chuckled? "One of my specialties is paralyzing venom. Judging by your scent you have it as well. Those fangs you possess in sage form are what holds said venom. This means that there an undeniable likelihood that your mouth is teeming with venom."

Understanding her words I entertained I brief thought. "So, I have a certain amount of imunity to poisons."

She nodded confirming my theory. All of the pain I'd suffered had been for this. Thinking about it I realized that maybe it wasn't so bad. My new strength would surely prove useful during this war.

"I came here to let you know your assignment during the war." Kakashi explained taking my hand. "You'll be leading and protecting supply troops."

"Leading?" I asked confused.

He nodded. "With all of the time you spent traveling we realized you'd be best in a position like this one."

"Ok." I sighed. "What about you? You'll be with me, right?"

He looked as if that was the one question he was hoping I wouldn't ask. "I'm afraid not." He explained as he pulled me close. "I will be leading a division on the front lines."

Pushing away from him worry spread through me leaving me cold and numb. "Then... I refuse my assignment."

Kakashi sighed heavily giving me a pleading look. "I already told you, these positions were assigned based off of our abilities."

"I will be there to accompany you." Kusho said rubbing her head against my side. "I can keep you safe."

"But..." tears filled my eyes. "Who will protect you?"

He shook his head. "Now is not the time to be worrying about me. I need you to train and prepare yourself. What you'll be doing will help me and everyone else in this war."

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