The Perfect Day

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I woke up to mom sitting on my bed with her usual soft smile. She was brushing her fingers through my messy hair.

"Kakashi is here to see you, sweetheart." She whispered.

"Ok, momma." I said looking up at her. "Let him know I'll be out soon."

Mom kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I quickly got up looking for an outfit. I threw on my usual outfit. In a hurry I brushed my hair. I ran out of my room to the livingroom. There stood Kakashi and Sakumo.

"Good morning!" Kakashi said with a big smile.

I waived at him with a big smile on my face. "Good morning, guys!" I replied.

"Are you ready to head out, Sakumo?" Dad asked walking out in his favorite fishing outfit.

"I've been ready all morning." Sakumo replied with a smile.

"Come on!" Kakashi said excitedly.

He quickly ran out of the door. "Wait up!" I yelled running after him.

I closed the door behind me as I tried to slide on my shoes. I ran catching up to Kakashi. We ran through the woods. I instantly knew where we were going. As we got close to the pond we slowed to a walk.

We stopped standing under the same tree we sat against the first time we came here.

"I wanted to bring you out here so we could be alone." Kakashi explained.

"Oh." I said blushing.

Why did he want to be alone with me? I looked to Kakashi who pulled his mask down smirking. I furrowed my brow wondering what mischief he had planned.

"You're it!" Kakashi yelled as he started running.

"No fair! I didn't even know..." I sighed knowing that saying anything else was pointless.

I chased after Kakashi as he ran around the pond. He was so fast. He jumped to a low tree branch and I followed. We jumped branch to branch. He stayed barely out of reach. He jumped down and I followed. He suddenly stopped turning around. I tried to stop, but couldn't stop completely before bumping into him. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tight. I hugged back a little out of breath.

"I have a secret." Kakashi whispered still hugging me.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"I have a crush on you." He whispered hugging me tighter.

I froze for a minute before resting my cheek on his shoulder.

"I have a secret too." I whispered.

"What is it?" Kakashi asked sounding nervous.

"I have a crush on you too." I whispered smiling.

"Really?" Kakashi asked quietly sounding shocked.

I giggled. "Of course I do." I said still whispering.

"I made you something yesterday." He said letting my go to reach into his pocket.

I stepped back watching him. He pulled out a necklace and I immediately recognized the pendant. It was the one I accidentally put my thumb on. Except now it had another thumb print on it. The two overlapped eachother to make a heart. The heart was painted silver and the rest of the circle was lavender.

"The smaller print is yours and the bigger one is mine." Kakashi explained pointing at each print.

"I thought I ruined it." I said staring at it.

"You made it better. I had already planned to paint it like that, but got the idea to make the prints a heart after you put your thumb on it." He said with the biggest smile.

I hugged him tightly. "I love it, Kakashi!" Tears filled my eyes.

I let go of him wiping my eyes. He went behind me putting the necklace on me. He returned to his spot in front of me still smiling. He pulled his pendant from his shirt.

"I've worn this everyday." He said happily.

"Now we can match!" I giggled before kissing his cheek and stepping back blushing.

"So, does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asked staring at the ground blushing.

"Uh..." I blushed. "Yes?"

He quickly looked up at me still blushing. I stood staring in his eyes. Butterflies filled my heart. I was Kakashi's girlfriend.

"Just wait till Kurenai hears about this!" I giggled.

"Oh no!" Kakashi rubbed the back of his head nervously. "That means Asuma is going to know. He's been telling me to tell you for a while now."

He sat against our tree sighing. I joined him there. I sat beside him and laced my fingers between his. He smiled at me before turning his gaze to the dragonflies. Together we watched them dance and chase eachother.

We sat there until the sun started to set. It was the perfect day.

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