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I felt like it had been years since I was closed up in this room. Every waking moment was filled with pain. Sometimes it was physical pain. Other times it was a longing to see Kakashi again.

My head rested against the cold metal bars. As tears streamed down my cheeks. Putting my hand up to my chest feeling Kakashi's necklace resting softly on my chest. I wondered if they were still searching for me.

Kabuto stood from his desk and grabbed his cloak. "I'm going to go get a few things from the nearby village." He walked up to the bars smiling. "Cheer up, precious. I'll be back soon."

He left the room leaving me alone. He'd been letting me spend more time alone now that I was cooperative. Through refusing to eat my body became weak, but I noticed my chakra was stronger.

Once I was sure he was gone I tried to think of the best way to break free. Giving the door a slight wiggle I could tell that the lock was made of a strong metal. I gathered all of my chakra and made a shadow clone outside of the bars.

"Look for a key or a paper clip." I ordered.

Watching my shadow clone rummage I became anxious. Either I was getting out of here or I was dying. She looked desperately for something to use. The door started to open and I quickly dismissed her. Quickly I scurried away to the bed.

A shadow danced on the wall as I saw a large boy walk into view. He looked familiar and then I realized who it was. Tears filled my eyes when he looked over at me.

"Shiro!" He whisper yelled.

I tried to move but was still extremely weak. "Choji!" I cried. "Kabuto left to go to the village nearby. Where's the rest of your team?"

He ran to the bars looking at me as if I were already dead. "Is anybody else here?" I shook my head and he nodded running to the door. "Guys! I need help!"

Choji returned to me looking worried and I smiled shakily. "Choji I swear I'll take you out for barbecue after this." I sobbed hard feeling aches pulse through my body.

Footsteps ran down the hall in our direction. The rest of his team approached looking in at me in shock. Shikamaru looked around the room as if he were thinking.

"Shiro, can you get under the bed?" He asked quickly.

Shakily I stood feeling dizzy. I lowered to my knees nearly falling and laid down. Weakly I pulled myself under the bed.

"Choji try using human boulder to break the bars." Shikamaru ordered.

Closing my eyes I tucked my head down balling up. I heard a loud boom and opened my eyes. Opening my eyes I looked up to see the door laying on the ground. I tried to crawl out but could barely move. I felt someone pull me out and looked up to see Asuma looking down at me.

"I'm going to get you home to Kakashi, ok?" He said staring into my eyes while his filled with tears.

"Thank you, Asuma." I muttered.

Ino kneeled beside me pulling food pills out and sticking one in my mouth. I chewed not caring about the taste. I was going home. Asuma picked me up bridal style.

"We need to get out of here before Kabuto gets back." He said hurrying out of the cell.

"My stuff. On the table." I said feeling myself start to get woozy.

"Got it!" Choji ran over to grab my things.

Asuma carried me as the rest followed. Laying with my head on his chest I felt safe. The door opened and the light hurt my eyes terribly. I yelped closing them and tucking my face against Asuma's chest.

"You found her." Pakkun's voice said somewhere nearby.

"Pakkun." I muttered.

I felt something being lowered on top of me. Reaching to it I felt the softest fur. I smiled petting him gently.

"Pakkun, why are you here?" I asked feeling the air blow on my body as we moved.

"They wouldn't let Kakashi go. He's been a mess since you went missing." He explained.

"How long?" I asked scared of the answer.

"You left two months ago. When you didn't return the next day Kakashi knew something was wrong." He explained. "Day by day he's grown more reclusive and depressed. He is going to be happy to see you."

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