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I woke up looking at my clock. I remembered Kakashi coming to my room in the night. I remembered getting to hear his voice again.

I knew it wouldn't fix things, but I had plan for the day. I got up and got dressed in normal clothes. I brushed my hair and put it up into two buns.

I walked out to see dad sitting on the couch. Kakashi sat on the love seat off to the side. They were watching so trivia game show on the TV. Mom was in the kitchen at the stove.

Mom noticed I was up. "Good morning, love!" She greeted me with her usual soft smile.

"Good morning, momma." I replied.

Kakashi got up running over to me. He hugged me softly. I hugged him back noticing he seemed a bit better.

"Maya is making red bean pancakes." Kakashi whispered stepping back. "They're my favorite."

"Kakashi, honey!" Mom called to Kakashi. "Can you and Shiro go to the store real quick to grab some milk?"

"Sure, does, Shiro have to go?" Kakashi replied. "She just woke up."

Mom looked surprised. "Well she can stay if she wants to."

I was confused. "I can go with you." I told Kakashi feeling a bit worried.

"It's ok." He said looking at me softly. "I can go by myself. It won't take me long."

"Ok." I looked at him worried.

"I'll be right back." Kakashi said as he went to put on his shoes.

After Kakashi left I looked to mom. She smiled reassuringly. Slowly I walked over to her. Her hand rested on my shoulder bringing me a feint sense of comfort.

"Kakashi is doing better today." She said returning to making breakfast. "He has been talking to your dad all morning about helping in the shop and learning more about pottery. He's still hurting, but he's trying to be better."

"Has he unpacked his room?" I asked thinking of all of his boxes.

"No." Mom answered sighing. "I think maybe things will be more permanent once he does."

"Momma?" I hugged her. "I want to take Kakashi on a picnic today."

"Oh! In the back yard?" She stopped surprised.

"No, he has a special place." I explained. "It might make him feel better."

"Well I can help with that!" She smiled ruffling my hair.

"Thank you!" I said enthusiastically.

I ran to Kakashi's room opening the door and turning on the light. His bed had only a pillow. He had nothing unpacked at all. The one box I saw open was a box full of clothes. A bunch of the adults had helped bring Kakashi's things over including his desk, bookshelf, and bed. I remembered them offering him help unpacking but he shook his head and held onto me.

I started putting away his already neatly folded clothes and hung his shirt in the closet. When I heard the front door open I'd just finished making his bed. Quietly I slipped out of his room and went to mine. I sat at my desk with my school books open. Footsteps came down the hall going into Kakashi's room. They stopped and turned walking closer. My door slid open and Kakashi poked his head in.

"May I come in." He asked politely.

"Mhm." I nodded.

He walked over to me shyly. "Maya says food is ready." He paused looking up at me. "Were you the one that made my bed?"

I smiled. "I also put away some of your clothes."

"Thank you." Kakashi hugged me.

I hopped down from my chair. "Let's go eat breakfast."

We went to the table. Breakfast was so good. Mom usually didn't make red bean pancakes, but Kakashi seemed thrilled. My belly was so full.

Kakashi grabbed my hand pulling me up. "Come on! I need your help!

We went to Kakashi's room and started opening boxes. I was in charge of putting his books up. He had a lot of them. I started putting them on the bookshelf in alphabetical order. There were a lot of fiction books and some about fighting techniques.

Turning around I saw Kakashi holding a picture frame with tears in his eyes. I went over to see what it was. The photo was of him with his father. Sakumo had his hand on top of Kakashi's head. They had the biggest smiles.

I held out my hands. "Let me see it."

Kakashi handed me the photo. Carefully I climbed up on his desk chair. I placed the photo on the shelf above his desk. I stepped down looking up at it. Kakashi walked over wiping his eyes.

All of the boxes had been unpacked. Yet Kakashi's room still looked kind of plain. It made sense though. He wasn't someone that you'd expect to decorate a whole lot.

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