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Sitting on the sofa I watched as Kakashi unwrapped my arm. The damage I'd done was worse than I originally thought. Most of the area with needle marks was gone replaced with scratches. I let out a frustrated sigh. I felt so weak and powerless.

A knock at the door ripped me from my thoughts. Kakashi stood and went to answer it. Opening the door he let Sakura in. She walked over looking at my arm and quickly turned to Kakashi.

"She had a nightmare." Kakashi explained gloomily.

"Well your tests came back." Sakura said with a regrettable tone. I looked to her worried. "The tests showed that Kabuto wasn't just doing blood infusions. He was filling you with the chakra stored in the blood. We're not sure what he was trying to accomplish, but as soon as you've regained your strength we're going to have to run a lot more tests. The current theory is he wanted to accomplish the same effect as a curse mark with having to use an actual curse mark."

My mind flashed to Kabuto watching me like some prised possession. He always tried to be gentle with me. He didn't just want my heart. He wanted to make me his weapon and use me as such. The way his eyes moved over me felt like he desired everything I was and had to offer.

"Shiro?" Kakashi ripped me out of my thoughts startling me.

I placed my hand over my heart taking a deep breath. "Sorry." I muttered.

"I can clean and heal your arm." Sakura offered gently.

"Ok." I agreed dazed.

She grabbed a few things from her medical bag. Gently she cleaned the wound taking care to not miss a spot. Kakashi got up and went to the kitchen. I watched as Sakura wrapped my arm. As the bandage wrapped around my arm I thought of the possible outcomes if I'd not been found. I had to let those thoughts go and focus on what I needed now.

When I was back to full strength I needed to train and figure out what Kabuto had done. It was my job to find him and show him nothing less than the pain he'd forced upon me. There was no way I was going to let myself become some kind of helpless victim.

Sakura finished healing my arm and handed me a bag. In it were pills and some loose leaf tea.

"The vitamins are to help you recover quicker." She explained with a smile. "I got the lavender tea from the local farm. I thought it might help ease your mind a little."

I sat the bag beside me and leaned down to hug Sakura. Letting her go I smiled softly. "I don't plan on being down for long. I'm sure with your help I'll be better in no time."

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