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I sat at one of the desks alone. I wondered if Kakashi would be in my homeroom or if I'd just be here alone. We had trained every day for a month and I was starting to catch up with him. I was so nervous. I had my notebook on my desk and was doodling. Almost all of the seats were full and still nobody sat by me.

A girl with long black hair and red eyes approached me. "Is this seat taken?" She asked politely.

"Oh... no." I said looking up at her sadly.

"My name is Kurenai Yuhi. It's nice to meet you!" She smiled as she sat down.

"I'm Shiro Nagi." I said feeling a bit frightened.

"Why such the long face, Shiro?" I heard a voice behind me.

My eyes went wide and I blushed. "Kakashi!" I said turning around to see Kakashi looking at me with worry in his eyes. "I was worried we didn't get the same homeroom!"

"Why are you talking to that loser?" A boy said standing behind Kakashi.

It was the boy from the play ground. I became uncomfortable and scooted back on the bench. Bumping into Kurenai I quickly apologized.

"She's cooler than you." Kakashi snapped as he turned to face the boy.

"She's weak and lame." The boy said putting his hands on his hips.

"We'll see about that when she kicks your butt into the dirt." Kakashi sounded angry.

"Whatever! I always thought you were cool, Kakashi. I guess you are just another loser." The boy said before walking to his seat.

I felt bad seeing Kakashi defend me like that. He shouldn't stand up for me like that. They were right anyway. Tears filled my eyes as I watched Kakashi sit next to me. Kurenai put her hand on my shoulder comforting me.

"Don't cry." Kakashi tried to reassure me. "Remember we are friends forever. Plus we've been training together. I know you could kick their butts."

"They're the losers. I heard Ben can't even hold a kunai right." Kurenai giggled as she wiped away my tears.

"Kurenai! Oh..." a boy with black hair and brown eyes came running up to Kurenai, but stopped when he saw me. "Is she ok?"

"Ben was being mean to her." Kurenai informed the boy.

The boy looked at Ben who sat laughing with his friends. He walked over calmly. He stood staring at Ben with his arms crossed. Ben turned around to look at the boy.

"Who is that?" I asked Kurenai.

"That's Asuna Sarutobi he's the son of the hokage." Kurenai explained.

Asuna stood still staring at Ben. He stood calm and collected. Ben started to stand up to say something to Asuna. He was cut off when Asuna punched him in the face hard enough to knockhim back into his friend's lap.

"Sit down boy." Asuna growled. "You'll never be a man. Men don't make girls cry."

The room fell silent. Ben laid there looking at Asuna in shock. Calmly Asuma walked up and sat behind Kakashi.

"Huh, looks like you beat me to it." Kakashi told Asuna.

"If he or any of his goons mess with you again just let me or Kakashi know." Asuna said smiling at me.

Ben got out his friend's lap. He turned back glaring at us. I looked at Kakashi who was glaring back at Ben. Kurenai looked at the boys. She turned to me seeing my still shocked expression and giggled.

~~~~ After Class ~~~~

I'd gathered my things in my bag. Asuna and Kurenai had already left together. Kakashi was still waiting for me.

"I was really hoping to be the one to knock some sense into Ben." Kakashi mumbled under his breath.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because what Asuna said was true." Kakashi answered picking up my bag.

"I can carry that!" I said trying to grab my bag from Kakashi.

"It's the least I can do." Kakashi said with sad eyes. "I wasn't the one to beat up Ben. That's twice now that I didn't stand up for you."

"Don't worry about it, Kakashi." I reassured.

"Can I show you something?" He changed the subject.

"Sure." I answered letting the previous subject go.

We walked in silence. Kakashi still seemed upset. I didn't really know what to say to him. I didn't understand why he was so upset. We stopped by our houses to drop off our bags and let our parents know what we were doing.

We walked through the woods behind his house. I didn't know where we were going. Kakashi lead the way and I followed watching him as he walked. We eventually came to a small opening with a pond. He stopped looking around and sat against a tree while he pulled down his mask. I joined him on the ground.

"Sometimes when I'm sad or overwhelmed I come here." Kakashi explained staring at the dragon flies as they flew by. "It's so peaceful and nobody else comes out here."

"It's absolutely beautiful." I said sitting in awe.

I sat back against the tree and watched the dragon flies with him. I felt something touch my hand. I looked down to see Kakashi gently lacing his fingers between mine. I looked up at him surprised. He continued to watch the dragon flies.

The sun peaked through the leaves making his silver hair shine. He gently held my hand. I felt butterflies in my heart and stomach. I realized I was staring and turned my attention back to the dragon flies.

For hours we just sat there holding hands. I'd forgotten about Ben and the pain that I felt that day. The sun had started to set turning the sky gorgeous shades of orange, yellow, and purple. Not letting go of my hand Kakashi stood pulling me up with him.

"We should go home." He said softly as he pulled his mask up.

"Yeah, mom is probably making dinner." I agreed.

We walked back hand in hand. We stayed silent with no need to say anything. When we got to my house Kakashi let go of my hand. He hugged me gently.

"Do you want to walk to school together tomorrow?" He asked softly.

"I'd like that." I responded.

He let me go and took a step back. "I'll see you in the morning." He said smiling.

"I'll see you in the morning." I replied.

I sat on my porch sliding off my shoes as I watched Kakashi walk to his house. I went inside unable to process the day I had. I hadn't realized I'd been smiling the entire time.

"I take it your training with Kakashi went well." Dad said looking at me from the sofa with a smile.

I blushed and tried to hide it. "Yeah, it went well."

"How was your first day at the academy?" Mom asked.

"It was good. Can you come get me when dinner is done? I have homework." I said still blushing.

"Of course, sweetheart." Mom said with a smirk.

I ran back to my room and jumped on my bed burying my face in my pillow. Rolling over I put my hand on my heart. I couldn't believe the day I had.

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