Land of Noodles

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Kakashi had been sent with his team on a mission to the Hidden Sand Village. Lady Hokage didn't send me because she had a different mission for me.

I ran through the woods traveling in the most direct path to the Land of Noodles. It had been my first stop during my 19 year journey. I'd stayed with a old wheat farmer named Kuya. He was a sweet old man. At the time he was in his mid 50's and had a son my age named Yutzo. Often times I spent my days taking care of the fields. On an occasion I'd get to go on delivery trips with Kuya. Only two shinobi lived in the village at the time. Both of them worked on the wheat mills though. There was one thing that many of the men in that village knew well as far as fighting went. That village was packed with very skilled staff fighters.

There were many nights that Kuya would wipe the floor with me. After months I'd gotten the hang of it and beat Kuya. I trained until there wasn't one person in the village that could beat me. When my year was up they had made my a staff to take with me. Sadly I decided to leave it behind since I didn't know how long I'd be on the road. I wondered if they'd held onto it all of this time.

Once I reached the road near the village I slowed to a walk. As the village came into view I noticed it looked much bigger. A smile grew on my face as I entered the village. Even with all of the new shops, houses, and faces it felt so nostalgic.

I walked to the village center to see a large cart outside of the noodle shop. It was there I learned how to make several types of noodles and how to cook them. A man about my age with messy long blue hair walked out carrying a large crate. He loaded it onto the cart and secured the tarp covering the cart in place. Walking up I gently put my hand on his shoulder.

"It's been a while Yutzo." I said with a big smile.

He turned looking at me and smiled with excitement. "No way in hell! Shiro Nagi!" He chuckled giving me a hug.

"I'm surprised you recognize me!" I said happily as I stepped back.

"I could never forget those eyes or that hair." He replied rubbing the back of his head. "I had the biggest crush on you when you came to the village."

"No kidding." I giggled recalling his attempts to woo me. "How have things been?"

"Well I got married and have three kids now so not bad." He said leaning against the cart. "How about you? Did you find a lucky guy or did you hold out for ole lover boy?"

"You know I waited for Kakashi." I giggled. "I returned to the leaf recently and it turns out he'd waited aswell."

"That was his name! Man that guy is a legend!" He shook his head chuckling. "I take it you're my guard from the leaf?"

"Mhm." I replied.

"Good! This trip should only take half a day there and half a day back." He explained walking to the front of the cart.

I followed him climbing on the cart by him like I used to with Kuya. With a flick of the reigns the horse started walking in whatever direction Yutzo steered. Kicking back I laid against the tarp covered crates.

"How is Kuya?" I asked relaxing.

"Oh, dad is well. He's still as goofy as when you left 18 years ago." Yutzo replied with a smile. "I took over the farm so he could enjoy his retirement, but he refuses to relax."

"Sounds just like him." I sighed remembering my old boss and his constant restlessness.

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