The Smell of Rain

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Laying on the sunlight I felt at peace. It had been two months since Asuma's team brought me home. My strength had returned but I still struggled to sleep and being by myself made me uneasy. Kakashi seemed terribly busy with training Naruto. Sakura kept me company and looked after me most days.

"Shiro." Sakura called sweetly.

Sitting up I looked to see her on the back porch. "Yes, Sakura?"

"I was wondering if you would like some tea." She offered kindly.

I nodded. "That would be wonderful."

She disappeared into the house for a moment. Waiting I looked up to the bright sky. I felt something inside me stirring. Smelling the air I could tell it would rain in a while. Sakura joined me on the ground handing me my tea.

"So, when are you two getting married?" She asked causing me to nearly drop my tea.

"Sakura!" I gasped as a deep red blush filled my cheeks.

She giggled playfully. "I mean the two of you have been in love since you were kids. Now that's you're home Kakashi sensei seems much happier. I'm sure the two of you will get married someday."

I sighed giggling softly. "I'm not sure that Kakashi would be up for that kind of commitment. Besides things are fine just as they are. There's no need to go through all of that." I thought about it seriously for a moment. "Well... it may not be a bad idea. I mean it might be nice to be his wife."

"I don't think there is anyone more qualified for that role." Sakura smiled a closed eye smile.

"What about you Sakura?" I asked curiously. "I'm sure a pretty girl like you has a wonderful boyfriend."

There was a sort of depressed and distant look that filled Sakura's eyes. She sat her tea down gently as her posture crumbled. Realizing I'd obviously opened some wound I felt awful.

Resting my hand on her back I tried to comfort her. "I'm sorry if I said something wrong."

She shook her head. "It's ok. Kakashi sensei told you about Sasuke, right?"

I put one and one together. "Oh, I see. I'm sure he'll return soon. You know as a kid Kakashi went down a very dark path. When he came out of it I was right there waiting to stand by him. I'm sure once Sasuke realizes the error of his ways he'll return. Then, you'll be all right here to stand by him and give him the love he'll need to properly get back on his feet."

"Hello?" A voice called.

Sakura and I turned to see Guy walking into the backyard. "Hello, Guy!" I smiled.

The look on Guy's face was not one of happiness. Instead it was one of pain and dread. He walked over and kneeled in front of me.

"Shiro, I have terrible news." He said letting his head hang.

Tears filled his eyes and I realized that something was seriously wrong. I sat my tea down preparing for what he had to say. But there was nothing that could have prepared me for the words that he spoke next.

"Asuma Sarutobi is dead." He choked out painfully.

The world around me stopped and my heart ceased to beat. Asuma Sarutobi was dead? How could this happen?

"How?" I muttered as tears flooded my eyes.

"He was killed by two members of the Akatsuki." Guy said trying to remain strong.

My body gave in as I cried out. "No!" I clenched my fists as Guy held onto me.

Holding onto his I cried even harder. The only thing I could think was Kurenai. How was she going to raise their child all alone?

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