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I'd been allowed three days rest before we tested my new chakra any further. Yamato was away on a mission so Kakashi would be going to my appointments with me. In that time we had and I agreed on a wedding date and location. Today I was supposed to go to the dress shop and find my kimono.

I walked out of the house feeling the warm summer air on my skin. As I made my way to my parents' house I contemplated what kind of kimono would be best. Kakashi had suggested the idea of a white wedding dress since it was a Yuki clan tradition. Honestly I wasn't sure what I wanted to wear. When I reached the house mom had started to make her way out of the house. She was dressed elegantly and even had her hair pulled up neatly.

I couldn't help smiling seeing as she didn't usually get all fixed up. "I see you're ready to go." I stated as I walked up to hug her. "Is dad sleeping in?"

"Oh, he's at the shop." She answered as we started walking to the shopping district. "He was feeling restless this morning and had some big idea for a new project."

Giggling I thought of how it was supposed to be dad's day off. "He never has been one to sit around."

Mom shook her head with an amused expression. "He'll probably be at that pottery wheel when his time comes."

As we approached the shopping district I felt a bit uneasy. It was as if I were sensing a strong and dark presence. Looking around I saw and entrance to the underground tunnels to the shelters. Mom was digging through her purse when it happened. There was an earth shaking explosion that caught the attention of everyone in the district. Turning around I saw a large plume of smoke and dust coming from a direction near the pottery shop.

"Mom, go to the underground tunnel. Get to shelter as fast as you can." I ordered pointing to the nearest entrance. "I'm going to go make sure dad is ok."

"Shiro." She started to protest.

"Mother, now is not the time!" I yelled firmly. "I will go get him and meet you in the shelter."

She looked at me scared and confused. After hesitating for a moment she started running to the tunnel entrance. Turning back to the direction of the explosion I started running. To avoid getting in the way of those who were evacuating I decided rooftop travel would be my best option. Pushing myself past my typical capabilities I ran as fast as I could as I infused my chakra throughout my body. As I ran I was able to achieve sage mode.

I went back to the street to see that the windows were blown out of the shop. Jumping through one of the windows I searched the shop. Dad was nowhere in sight. Going to the back room I searched again. Dad was crouched in the back corner by the kilns. He looked up at me terrified.

Reaching out to him I spoke gently. "Dad, it's me Shiro. I don't have time to explain. I'm going to get you to the nearest evacuation point. Mom should already be in the shelter waiting for us."

He stared for a moment before there was another nearby blast. Quickly I pulled him to his feet. Grabbing his hand I pulled him through the shop. We made it to the street when I saw an evacuation point. Without a word I pointed in the direction and pushed dad towards it. He understood and started to run. As he entered I looked around worried. Realization hit me like a brick wall. Had Kurenai made it to an evacuation entrance?

As I ran to her apartment building I prayed that she'd already made it to safety. Throwing open the door I saw my dear friend ducked in the corner of the stairwell.

"Kurenai, I'm going to get you to safety!" I called out to her reaching out my hand.

"Shiro, is that really you?" She asked dazed and afraid.

I smirked and nodded. "Sure is."

She stood walking to me carefully. Gently I ushered her out of the building and down the street. Feeling Kusho's presence within me I let my fear subside. The evacuation point was just a few feet away. Kurenai made it to the entry when she turned to me with a mortified expression. Seeing a shadow forming I started to turned around just to feel the impact.

Searing pain surged through my body as I was knocked to my knees. I felt my sage chakra desipate as the pain continued to grow. Kurenai ran to me as I looked down to see a large wooden spike protruding from my sternum. She looked at me frantically with tears in her eyes.

I reached up gently holding her hand comfortingly. "Please promise to take care of Kakashi for me, Kurenai. Look after mom and dad aswell." I coughed sputtering blood. "Get to safety. Keep those promises."

She kneeled hugging me tight as she sobbed. "I promise I'll take care of them."

She let me go reluctantly and ran back to the evacuation point. As she ran inside I tried to stand, but my feet faltered. Using what chakra I could I summoned two shadow clones. I used them to pull the piece of lumber from my body. As they were released I fell to the ground. All I could think of was Kakashi. I hoped that maybe he'd find peace and happiness with someone else. The thought of him being alone wasn't something I could bear to think of. Bringing my hand to my shirt I pulled out my necklace holding it tight. My eyes started to drift shut as if I were merely falling asleep.

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