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I sat on the bed with my back against the wall. I wasn't sure how long I'd been there. Kabuto tried to be gentle with me most of the time but usually ended up having to sedate me due to my attacks. He'd been using something to diminish my chakra.

Kabuto unlocked the door and walked in with my food. He closed the door and sat by me on the bed. "Don't you want to stop fighting yet. It would be so much easier to just do as I say. We've already proven that you can't fight me in your condition."

I remained silent staring at the sushi he'd brought me. He'd remembered my favorite roll. If I were going to make it until someone found me I needed to cooperate.

Starving I picked up a piece of sushi and started to eat. As soon as I finished the first piece I realized I really was starving. I ate as fast as I could without making myself sick. Kabuto sat watching me with a soft smile.

"That's a good girl." He praised me.

Anger filled my body but I needed to recover my chakra before I could do anything. I needed to collect as much information as I could on what he'd been doing to me. All I knew was I had what looked like needle marks on my arm.

Tears came to my eyes and frustration filled me. I trembled as they fell down my cheeks. Kabuto reached out his hand placing it on my shoulder. Slowly I reached up pushing it away.

"Kakashi." I muttered inaudibly.

"I love you." Kabuto tried to comfort me. "I only want to take care of you and make you stronger. Even when I changed your clothes I didn't take advantage of you because then what kind of lover would I be?"

His words brought a heavy wave of nausea over me. I needed Kakashi to find me. There was no way they weren't looking for me.

Kabuto stood offering me his hand. "It's time for your medication."

Defeated I took his hand. He helped me up and we walked out of my cell. Looking around I realized it was the only one. He had a whole bedroom and study sat up in here. Looking forward I saw a door. Maybe we were going to leave the hideout to go where we needed to.

He opened the door to reveal a hallway. There was a door to the left, the right, and one at the end of the hallway. We went in the one on the right. It was set up like some sort of laboratory with a chair in the middle. Book cases lined the walls filled with books. There were shelves and tables with all kinds of vials with liquids and powders.

He escorted me to the chair and sat me down. There were straps that he used to strap me down by my arms, wrists, feet, and chest. He stepped back looking me over with a smile.

"It will be interesting to see this process while you're awake." He looked me in the eyes with that twisted smile. "Though it will hurt so I won't be taking too much pleasure in watching you."

He went behind me and I could hear him grabbing a few things. When he walked in front of me I saw him holding a water bottle and three bags of blood. He sat the bags on the nearby table. Walking over he opened the bottle. He held it up to my mouth pour some in. The feeling of the cool water in my dry mouth and throat was relieving.

"You will let me know if you need anything while we are here." He ordered. "This will take a while."

He grabbed an empty bag and approached me. "See I tested your blood and you're AB positive. That means you're receptive to all blood types. So, I saved back a little bit of a curse mark bearer, Jugo's, blood along with Orochimaru's and mine." He slid a large needle in my arm causing me to wince. "First, I drain a small portion of your own blood to make some extra room. Then, I start with Jugo's blood giving you a small amount. After that, you receive a little of mine. Finally, I end with Orochimaru's blood. You will be my most powerful creation if my theories are correct."

Horrified I watched as my blood ran down through the tube to the bag. Kabuto leaned in close putting his hand on my cheek.

"Don't worry, precious." He smirked. "I would never let anything happen to you."

He leaned in to kiss me and I head butted him. He stood holding his forehead shaking his head. He sighed walking over to a rather comfortable looking chair. Sitting down he watched over me.

Kakashi I don't know if I will be able to escape.

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