The Teapot

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Gently I removed my work from the kiln. Kakashi had told dad that I'd been working really hard on something. Lifting it from the kiln I admired it. Gently I placed the lid on. It fit perfectly in the opening. I turned to my father and Kakashi. They looked both amazed and amused.

"It's a." Kakashi started staring at the piece.

"Frog teapot?" Dad finished.

I'd been working on it for nearly three days. I'd painted the belly white and the rest green. The butterfly on top was yellow and red. The spout was its mouth so when you poured tea it looked as if it were sitting it into the cup. I'd made matching glasses painted with butterflies and dragonflies. There were even lily pads for plates.

I sat the complete set on the table. It was perfect. I smiled at my work feeling proud. Kakashi and dad stared at it befuddled.

"It's beautiful." Dad stated.

"It's kind of ridiculous though." Kakashi added.

"Yes, that too." Dad agreed.

I giggled picking up the teapot. "I hope there's an empty shelf." I said walking out of the room.

"Actually there's a perfect spot right by the window." Dad informed me while gathering the cups.

I was going to get a window spot? That only meant one thing. It truly was a masterpiece. I sat the frog on the shelf in front of the window. As I did a few people passing smiled. Some of them even laughed. One man with messy blonde hair looked shocked. He immediately turned heading to the door.

He walked in as dad sat out the cups. I stood proudly. He looked over the set in awe.

Kakashi walked out with the plates. Surprise filled his eyes as he saw the man.

"Minato sensei!" Kakashi exclaimed.

"Wow, Inzo! This is quite the work you've done here." He said chuckling.

"Actually my daughter Shiro is the artist who made that." My father informed Minato.

Kakashi sat down the plates neatly with the cups. People flooded in looking at the set. I started to feel shy but Kakashi took my hand.

"Wonderful work young lady!" Minato said with a big smile. "I'll take the whole set!"

My jaw dropped along with Kakashi's and dad's. Dad took him to the counter to ring him up. Kakashi and I sighed picking up the set taking it to the counter.

"So, you help in the shop too, Kakashi?" Minato asked still smiling. "Is this your girlfriend you told me about."

"Yes and yes." Kakashi answered calmly.

"She's cute and talented. You better take good care of her." Minato said taking his bags. "Thank you very much."

Minato turned to leave but turned around as if he'd remembered something.

"Do you think you could make another set like this for somebody about 10 inches tall?" He chuckled. "I know they'd love it. I'd pay full price for the set."

I was very confused. "Yeah, I think I can do that." I answered.

"Thank you so much." He waived walking away.

We waived as he walked away. Still confused I looked to Kakashi who just shrugged. Dad was being swarmed by customers asking for my tea set.

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