Hello Mr.Hatake

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I got up early and put on a black t-shirt with lavender shorts. I ran out to see mom in the kitchen. She looked at me surprised.

"Mom where are the four teacups I made at the shop last week?" I asked in a hurry.

"They're in the box you brought them home in. I think I put them in the closet." She said confused. "Would you like for me to get them?"

"Yes, please!" I said politely.

She walked over to the living room closet and opened the door. She looked through the shelves carefully. Reaching up she retrieved the box. She walked over handing it to me gently.

"What are you going to do with them?" She seemed intrigued by my behavior.

"I wanna give them to Mr. Hatake!" I smiled excitedly.

Mom smiled softly. "So, you are going to go see Kakashi?"

"Mhm!" I nodded.

"Well let me grab something for you." She returned to the kitchen.

She grabbed two small bento boxes and a big one. She sat them on the counter opened up. She placed four in them and wrapped them in a cloth with a neatly tied bow on top. She took the teacup box and handed me the bento boxes. She placed the teacup box on top. Leaning down she gently kissed my forehead.

"Make sure you are home for lunch." She said with her usual soft smile.

"I will be. Love you, mom!" I said running out of the door.

I ran to the end of the street to the house with the blue door. I made sure I was careful not to drop anything. I walked up to the door and knocked gently.

After a moment a tall man with messy silver hair answered the door. He looked tired, but he was wearing a shinobi uniform. He looked at me curiously.

"Hello, Mr. Hatake." I said with a smile.

"Hello?" He responded curiously.

"My name is Shiro!" I held up the stuff I'd been holding. "The box on top is for you and mom packed some breakfast for us."

"Oh, you're Inzo and Maya's girl!" He said with a smile. "That's very sweet of you! Kakashi went somewhere but should be back any minute. Would you like to come in?"

I nodded politely. He took the boxes from my arms and I took off my shoes. I followed Mr. Hatake in his home. It was a nice house like mine. Pictures of the Hatake family hung on the walls. I sat with Mr. Hatake on the sofa. He opened the little wooden box that held the teacups. He pulled one out with a warm smile.

"Your dad's teacups are the best." He commended my father.

"Actually I made those cups!" I said feeling proud.

He was obviously shocked. "Wow! You did?" He asked amazed.

"Mhm! Dad taught me to make teacups on the pottery wheel." I explained enthusiastically. "These were my first ones. I dipped the bottom in green glaze to represent the grass and the tops in blue glaze to represent the sky. Dad drew the leaf symbol on for me with a pencil and I painted it with that white glaze so it looked like a cloud."

"Very well done, young lady! They are gorgeous!" He praised.

"Oh, Mr. Hatake the big bento box is for you!" I said remembering the breakfast mom had packed.

"Please just call me Sakumo!" He said gently putting his hand on my head like Kakashi did.

The door opened. "Dad I'm back!" Kakashi's voice called.

Sakumo stood to greet him. "Good! You have company." Sakumo informed Kakashi.

Kakashi looked over to see me sitting on the sofa. He was holding a wooden box. I smiled and waived at him. He looked as if he'd been running a lot.

"Shiro!" Kakashi exclaimed happily. "I was just about to go to your house."

"I thought maybe I could come to yours instead." I said shyly.

"Maya sent her with breakfast. Maybe we should eat together." Sakumo suggested.

Kakashi nodded his eyes showing a smile hidden by his mask. "But first I wanna give Shiro her gift!"

"Ok, I'll set the table." Sakumo took the bento boxes and walked away.

Kakashi joined me on the sofa. He handed me the box looking a bit nervous. I took it with a smile. It was a dark wooden box that had a cherry blossom painted on the lid. I pulled off the lid to see kunai and shuriken. They were beautiful. The handles of the kunai were wrapped with light pink cloth. I loved them so much. I quickly put the lid back on and hugged Kakashi tight. He seemed shocked at first, but softened up and hugged back.

"I remembered that you didn't have any ninja tools so I thought I could get you some." He said quietly.

"They're wonderful. Thank you, Kakashi." I whispered.

We separated just in time for Sakumo to call us to breakfast. I gently sat the box on the coffee table and followed Kakashi to the other room. Sakumo had opened the back door to let in the sunlight. Our bento boxes were set out with cups of green tea. Sakumo had used the teacups I'd just gifted them. Mom had packed egg buns and sweet dumplings. We ate breakfast in a peaceful silence.

"So, are you going to train after Shiro leaves?" Sakumo questioned Kakashi.

"Actually I'm helping Shiro train. She's going to be going to the academy too." Kakashi answered.

"Oh! Well, I'll take care of clearing the table. You guys better get to training." Sakumo said with a proud look.

Kakashi pulled up his mask as he stood. He waived for me to follow him. I got up and ran after Kakashi.

We went to the tree line in his backyard. He looked at me with mischievous look. He jumped up bouncing off of one tree onto the branch of another. How did he makes this look so easy?!

"Are you going to join me?" He asked with a playful tone.

"That branch is higher than the one yesterday." I groaned.

"You'll have to find a way up here if you want to sit by me." He teased. "Besides it's only about a foot taller."

I wanted to sit up there with him so bad. I had practiced all night in the rain and still only made it half way. This time I was determined to make it up there. I gathered my chakra and tried to jump up to the branch. I got so close I could almost touch it. Landing on my feet I sighed.

"You're almost there!" Kakashi said surprised. He pulled down his mask and smirked at me. "I guess you don't want to sit with me bad enough."

That was it. I was going to make it to that branch one way or another. I focused hard taking my time. In one swift motion I jumped. This time I was able to touch the top of the branch.

Kakashi stared at my with that smirk still on his face. I thought about how he'd managed to get up there. I stepped back and played the image through my head again. I ran while I channeled my chakra to my feet. I jumped bouncing off of the same tree as him and landed on the branch.

"You did it!" Kakashi cheered. "You just needed some motivation."

"I don't know how I did it. I just focused on getting up here." I said a tad out of breath.

"Can I tell you a secret?" He asked lowering his voice.

"Mhm." I answered quietly.

Kakashi leaned in close causing me to blush. "I didn't have to use my chakra to get up here." He said with a smirk as he pulled up his mask.

"What!?" I yelled frustrated.

"You'll get there." He said sitting back against the tree. "Wanna practice kunai?"


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