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"Wake up." I heard Kusho's voice in my head. "You can wake up now, Lady Shiro."

Opening my eyes slowly I looked up at the stars. The grass beneath me was soft and cool. A warm breeze carried the sweet smell of honeysuckle.

"Kusho?" I called out to the darkness.

"I'm here." Her voice came from in front of me. "Down here."

I looked down to see a small Kusho sitting in front of me. "What is going on? Did you die too?" I asked worried.

"No." She answered simply. "I'm merely appearing in your mind. It would seem you are alive. As I watched through your consciousness I saw the lives you saved and your sacrifice. I had started to mourn your departure from this world when by some miracle your life force started to return to your body."

"Where am I now?" I asked horrendously confused.

"That I am unsure of." She stated sadly. "I can sense your body is trying to wake up. Lady Shiro, what you did was selfless and honorable. Take time to rest and recover. That Kakashi you mentioned, is he your mate?"

I chuckled softly. "He is my fiancé. I'll introduce you when I get the chance."

Everything started to fade to black. I laid back in the grass hoping she was right. I'd give anything to see my love again.

My body ached terribly as my eyes fluttered open. I saw blurry figures leaning over me. Soft sobs filled my ears as I regained the ability to hear. My eyes began to focus and I could make out the figures. My parents, Kurenai, and Kakashi were all there with me.

"What happened?" I groaned trying to sit up.

Kakashi quickly lowered me down. "Just rest, Shiro." He sighed in a relieved manner. "There was an attack on the leaf by a member of the Akatsuki. Naruto defeated him and somehow we were brought back to life."

"We?" I questioned.

Kakashi's gaze fell to my hand as he held it gently. "Dad told me to say hello and he's happy that we're getting married."

I realized what he meant. "I see." I let out tense sigh as I turned to my parents and Kurenai. "I'm just glad you guys are ok."

"We were so scared when you didn't return." Dad confessed as he wiped away tears.

"Kurenai found us and told us what happened." Mom said through tears.

Kurenai gently held my hand. "It seems you two will have to postpone the wedding."

I giggled softly. "We could just do it now.  After dying I see no reason for waiting."

Everyone looked a bit surprised by my statement. "Is that what you really want?" Kakashi asked sincerely.

"I see no reason to wait." I smiled.

Mom started crying harder. "I may be able to find someone that has a dress. There were parts of the village that didn't get destroyed."

Kurenai smiled a closed eyed smile. "I'll go pick some flowers."

"I'll get and elder." Dad said following the ladies out.

Looking to Kakashi I giggled and slowly sat up. "You may want to go find Guy."

He shook his head amused. "He'd never let it go if he wasn't there." He looked down at his dirty clothes. "While I'm at it I should probably find something else to wear."

I shook my head at him. "You look perfect just as you are."

Gently he helped me to my feet. I looked around at the place I was in. I'd not even noticed the other people being cared for by nurses. Slowly we walked out to see a mostly barren area. The village really had been completely destroyed. I sat on a bench outside of the infirmary.

"I'll return soon." Kakashi said before planting a quick kiss on my forehead and leaving.

People were cleaning up what little wreckage was left and helping transport materials for new buildings. Yamato walked by looking exhausted. Before he passed by he glanced up seeing me sitting on the bench.

"Shiro, you're awake." He said happily as he walked over. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit sore." I sighed resting back against the building. "How long was i out?"

"About two days." He answered sitting beside me. "Even with the re-animation some people needed a little longer to recover due to their injuries. I'm surprised Kakashi isn't glued to your side."

"He's looking for Guy." I gave a soft breathy giggle. "We decided after dying there's no need for some extravagant wedding. We'll be getting married today."

Yamato looked surprised. "That makes sense. Would you mind if I attend?"

I turned tilting my head. "I'd be upset if you didn't."

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