It Was Only A Dream

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I shot awake, clutching my chest tight. The air that filled my lungs came in short fast breaths. Where was I? Looking around, I saw Kakashi's ninja gear laid on his dresser. The sun filled the room with a blinding light. No, this wasn't right. I was just on the battle field. The Ten Tails! The Ten Tails had been reborn. Why was I home?

The bedroom door slid open as Kakashi stepped in. His brow furrowed when he looked at me. Pulling his mask down, he walked over to sit by me. I backed away in fear, but his hand reached for mine.

"Shiro." His calm voice muttered softly. "Were you having a nightmare again?"

My mind raced for answers. "We were just on the battle field." My frantic state carried through my voice. "The Ten Tails."

He sighed as his shoulders slumped. "The war was years ago." He assured me. "It's ok. We are home and the war is over." Cupping my face gently, he kissed my cheek. "Come on, Aiko has something she wants to show you."

Aiko? Aiko... Aiko! How could I have forgotten about our beautiful little girl. "Give me a moment to get dressed." I smiled softly.

"We'll be waiting." He replied with a smile.

Our lips met softly, confirming that he was right. It was all just a dream. As Kakashi left the room I got out of bed. It was summer time so I opted for short and a tank top. Once I was dressed I walked out to see Aiko and Kakashi playing in the backyard. Watching him be a father warmed my heart. After all we'd been through, I was happy to be living an average shinobi life.

"Momma!" Aiko's adorable voice chirped as she ran to me.

"Hello, pretty girl." I replied, giving her a tight hug. "Your dad said you have something you want to show me."

She gave a quick nod before leading me to the back yard. "I was playin' an fell down. It hurt real bad, but when I held my knee it stopped hurtin'." She explained excitedly. "Watch dis!"

She stomped on the ground and an ice pillar shot up from about a foot in front of her. Almost six years old and she could already tap into the ice style residing within her. Kakashi had been teaching her basic battle techniques. She would always tell us how she wanted to be a ninja like us, but now I was starting to think she'd surpass us in no time.

"Wow, honey!" I smiled brightly. "You're going to be a shinobi in no time."

"Yeah!" She cheered happily. 

Watching her return to her usual play time, I crossed my arms. Kakashi stood by my side, wrapping his arm around my waist. My head rested on his shoulder and a smile grew on my lips once more.

"Before you know it she'll be a greater shinobi than you." I joked.

He chuckled and moved his hand to rub my arm. "That would be the goal." 

"I'm going to start on lunch." I said, taking a deep breath. "Do you know when Kurenai is bringing Yuki over?"

He thought for a moment. "She said that her and Asuma would be here around six o'clock."

Asuma... No, I'd been right this whole time. Asuma Sarutobi is dead, he was killed by a member of the Akatsuki. This was all a dream, but if I fought it I'd only put myself in danger. I needed to be calm.

"I'm going to the market for some wagyu, I'll be back soon." I said, stepping away from this dream Kakashi. 

He gave me a gentle kiss and caressed my cheek. "Don't stay gone too long." 

Making my way out of the house, I looked around to see busy streets. I held my composure as I walked to the village gates. When approached by the guards I lied saying I was going to look for wild herbs. There had to be some sort of way out. I ran through the woods. I needed to be sure nobody would find me. Once I reached a clearing I focused my chakra.

Could I summon Kusho? There was only one way to find out. Trying as hard as I could, I did my summoning signs, but nothing happened. I couldn't even enter sage mode. I just wanted to go home. I needed to go home.

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