I Made You Something

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Quickly I folded an origami box. I placed the necklace I'd made for Kakashi the day before inside. I was already dressed and ready to go. I walked out to see mom holding my bag. I took it and put it on. I held the box careful not to mess it up.

"Your dad said you worked hard yesterday." She said proudly.

"I made a few pendants." I replied.

There was a knock at the door. Kakashi was already here.

"Well sounds like it's time for you to go. Have a good day, sweetheart." Mom said giving me a hug.

"See you later." I said to mom walking out of the door.

"Are you ready?" Kakashi asked.

I held out the box nervously without saying anything. He looked confused and took the box. As soon as he saw what was inside his eyes widened.

"Did you make this?" He asked me.

"Mhm" I answered nodding.

He slid the cord over his head. He looked at the pendant one more time before tucking it into his shirt. He hugged me so tight I thought I'd burst.

"I love it." He said releasing me from his death grip.

"That's why I went to the pottery shop yesterday." I said with a smile.

"We should go. We'll be late." He said as he started walking.

I caught up to Kakashi. We walked side by side. It made me so happy to know he loved his gift.

We got to class and sat in our spots. Kurenai sat beside me with a gentle smile. Kakashi and Asuma were discussing fighting techniques. I felt so at home with my new friends.

"Ok, class!" Daikoku sensei said walking into the room. "It's a nice day outside so I thought that we could go outside for class today."

The class cheered loudly. I looked at Kurenai surprised. She shrugged just as confused as me. We all got up and followed sensei outside. We stood in front of four targets. I stood with Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai.

"I want to see everybody's skill with kunai." Daikoku sensei explained. "First I would like to see..." he paused looking the class over. "Kakashi."

Kakashi walked up unwavering. He looked at the targets carefully. He reached into his leg pouch. As he pulled his hand out he released the kunai. All four were hit on a perfect bullseye. The class clapped and cheered.

"Ok, Ben you're next." Sensei called out.

Kakashi met my eyes as he returned to his spot beside me. His gaze was completely calm and collected. I watched as Ben walked to the front of the class snickering. He tried to copy Kakashi's technique. He completely missed every single target. Giggles filled the air. He turned around looking mad.

"Well... uh... next up will be." Sensei scanned the class again. "Shiro why don't you give it a try?"

Instantly I was nervous. Kakashi reached over and gave my hand a light squeeze. I looked over to see him watching me. I nodded and went up in front of the class. I took a deep breath. I grabbed two kunai in each hand from my leg pouches. Lifting my head I looked at the targets. I pulled me hands from my pouches. Throwing my kunai i watched as three of them hit a perfect bullseye. The fourth was less than an inch off. I went to retrieve my kunai as the class clapped. I put away my kunai as I walked back. Ben was glaring at me. I simply smirked and returned to Kakashi's side.

"I knew you could do it." Kakashi said with a blank expression.

Kurenai landed all four kunai on the targets hitting one bullseye. Asuma even landed on all of the targets with two being a bullseye. The rest of the class was average. Most of them were able to hit the targets. Obito missed one and Rin got a bullseye.

"Ok, that's all for class today." Sensei said releasing us for the day.

"Shiro." Kurenai said softly.

"Yes?" I said turning to her.

"Do you know if Asuma likes anyone?" She asked shyly.

"I'm not sure." I replied. "You're the only girl I ever see him with." I thought for a moment. "Do you know if Kakashi has a crush on anyone?"

Kurenai giggled. "I've never seen him follow anybody like he follows you. I'm pretty sure you're the only girl he has eyes for."

"Do you really think so?" I asked excitedly.

"I don't know why don't you ask backpack boy yourself?" I turned around to see Kakashi walking up with our backpacks.

"Ask who what?" Kakashi asked cluelessly.

"Oh! Nothing!" I said embarrassed waiving my hands.

Kurenai giggled as she watched me struggle to keep my cool. What was she thinking? Kakashi and I were just bestfriends. Kurenai was just telling me what I wanted to hear.

"We should spar today." Kakashi said pulling me from my thoughts.

"We should?" I asked in a bit of a daze.

"Well there was talk that we'll probably be sparring tomorrow since we did kunai today." He said running his fingers back through his hair.

"Ok, we can do that." I replied happily.

Kakashi grabbed my hand and we started walking. I looked back to see Kurenai smiling and Asuma giving me a thumbs up.

We dropped our bags off at our houses and went to Kakashi's backyard. We stood a few feet apart. I waited to see his first move. Suddenly Kakashi poofed and a log fell to the ground where he was standing. Quickly I turned around to see him flying down at me. I stepped to the side quickly. Using one hand I grabbed him by the shirt and flipped him so he hit the ground on his back. He hit the ground with a thud. I went to grab a kunai but he grabbed my arm throwing me. I bounced off of the ground once before I twisted to an upright position. I landed on my feet continuing to slide back. Running at him I prepared to land a punch in his stomach. Grabbing my fist he blacked me. I threw my leg up trying to kick his shoulder. He used his arm to block my kick. Shoving me back he started to throw a hit. I pushed his punch off course and landed a hit to his shoulder. I tried to put him on the ground but he ducked. He landed his shoulder softly against my stomach standing up. He stood with me over his shoulder.

"Gotcha." He said playfully.

Thinking of Ben and his goons I flung my legs back. I flipped landing on my feet. I went after Kakashi he spun around dodging my attack and landed a soft hit to my stomach. I jumped back about a foot and ducked to dodge another hit. I reached down pulling his feet from under him. He landed on his butt but quickly was back to his feet. Breathing heavy we looked at eachother.

"Looks like you're ready." Kakashi said between breaths.

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