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Walking through the door I was exhausted. I'd been home for two months but most of that time was spent going on missions to help track the Akatsuki. Kakashi closed the door behind us. I looked at him to see a tired expression.

"I'll make some tea." I said sliding off my shoes.

I walked to the kitchen and prepared the kettle. Staring out at the sunset I remembered the days when our biggest worries were exams. Now we were being stretched thin getting barely any sleep. It's like we'd never get time to rest again.

"Hey." Kakashi said walking into the kitchen. "Do you want to go to the pond?" He asked.

"Now?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

I nodded and turned off the burner. Following him out of the house we ran through the woods. I was tired of running but this made me feel like a kid again.

We got to the clearing and Kakashi jumped up in our old tree. I jumped up joining him there. He leaned against the tree with open arms. I walked over resting my head and hands against his chest. It reminded me of the day before I left the village. He pulled down his mask and looked down at me.

"This reminds me of the day before I left the village." I whispered.

"I brought you here because I wanted to say something that I couldn't that day." Kakashi said softly. I looked up meeting his eye. "I love you, Shiro."

"Kakashi." I said completely surprised.

"I always have loved you. I always will love you. I love you." He said rambling.

I kissed him with all of the love in my body and soul. He pulled me closer deepening the kiss. I felt nothing but love and passion flow between us. Pulling away I looked in his eye.

"You didn't let me finish." I whispered. "I love you too. There is nothing in this world that will ever change that."

Kakashi smiled down at me. He lightly kissed me making me feel my heart explode in my chest. Pulling away I rested my head on his chest looking at the sunset through the leaves.

We stood there well into the night watching the sun fade and the moon rise. I giggled having an idea. Jumping down I ran away from the tree. Kakashi chased after me. I ran around the pond a couple of times before quickly turning around. Kakashi stopped himself from crashing into me. I pulled him to me kissing him once more. He held me kissing back as the fireflies danced around us.

"Let's go home." I whispered.

We walked home taking our time. Kakashi walked with his arm around my shoulders. I was so tired.

We got home and went to our rooms. I changed into my pajamas and laid in bed. It didn't feel right. Getting up I snuck to Kakashi's room just to meet him at the door.

"I didn't want sleep without you." I whispered.

"Me either." Kakashi replied whispering.

He took my hand and we crawled into bed together. I snuggled up to his chest as he held me. He kissed my forehead before nuzzling the top of my head. This is where I was meant to be.

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