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I was doing the dishes from breakfast. Sliding my ring on I smiled as images of the night before passed through my head. Sighing I smiled peacefully. We weren't getting any younger so we had to plan the wedding soon.

Walking to the livingroom I pondered details. I prepared to ask Kakashi when he'd like to get married but as I looked up the question completely left my head. He was sitting on the couch with Yamato chatting.

"Yamato!" I chirped.

He stood turning and smiling at me. "Shiro." He crossed his arms looking me over. "Going to your appointment in night clothes?"

"Sure." I shrugged looking down at my black shorts and tank top. "At least I'll be comfortable."

I walked over to Kakashi and slid down his mask for a kiss. We shared a long soft kiss before I slid his mask back into place. Joining Yamato I turned waiving goodbye to Kakashi. We walked out of the house and started down the road.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked curiously.

"The same building as the interrogation corp." He explained. "There's an underground training area. We'll be accompanied by Lady Hokage, Shikaku, Inoichi, Hiashi, Ibiki, and a few Anbu Black Ops."

I sighed feeling nervous. "Ok." I muttered.

"They'll be there for your safety." Yamato put his arm around me comfortingly. "We'll make sure nothing happens to you."

We got to the building and Yamato opened the door letting me in. He lead me down a few hallways to a stairwell. The stairs seemed to lead down forever. As we descended I felt a knot grow tight in my stomach. We eventually made it to the bottom where the only thing waiting was a metal door.

As we entered I looked around seeing all that Yamato had mentioned plus about ten Anbu. We were in a small room with speakers, a microphone, lockers, and a window that looked out to a large empty circular room. My discomfort only grew realizing that I was being perceived as a possible threat.

A hand rested on my shoulder and I looked back to see Ibiki. "It's going to be ok." He reassured in his own special way.

"We'll be in there watching over you." Shikaku added.

I started to slide off my ring and Lady Tsunade smiled. "If you get too uncomfortable let us know and we can take a break."

After taking off my necklace I made sure I was ready. I tucked my belongings in a locker and followed Yamato into the large concrete room. The room was easily 50 ft tall and about a 80 ft diameter. I felt so small in comparison. Shikaku, Inoichi, and Ibiki had followed in staying by the wall.

"Ok, now I am going to have you sit in the middle of the room." Lady Tsunade explained through a speaker. I did as she instructed. "I need you to focus your chakra and try to infuse it with your entire body. Seeing as it is not your base chakra it may feel strange."

Sighing I closed my eyes focusing on my flow of chakra. I could feel the tainted energy as it ran through me. Doing my best to focus on myself I started to worry about what had been done to me. I hoped that the expirements hadn't worked, but given the fact that my chakra felt extremely altered I knew that wasn't the case. Feeling the power rush through my body I did my best to maintain it.

There was a hissing noise in my head. Focusing deeper on it I came face to face with a large void like snake. It seemed I was sitting in the middle of it's coiled body. The sheer size of the serpent was overwhelming.

"You've come to make a contract." The beast spoke inside of my head.

I stared in awe. "Who are you?"

"Kusho, the void." It introduced politely as it observed me. "How did you arrive here? Are you one of the pale one's subordinates?"

"Orochimaru? No." I stood looking it in the eyes. "I was expiremented on by his right hand man. My Kage is trying to figure out what was done to me."

It tilted its head as it inched closer to my face. "I see. Well it seems you have snake sage chakra but no summon." It observed. "Tell me Byakugan bearer. What is your name? What dreams do you have?"

Keeping a calm demeanor I kept eye contact. "My name is Shiro Nagi. I want to help achieve and maintain peace."

"Noble dreams." She sibilated. "You don't solely seek power?"

"No." I responded. "After traveling to many villages I saw pain and poverty. I wish to be a part of the force that changes things so that others may be happy."

"I can see that your intentions are pure." Kusho pulled back slowly. "Would you be interested in a sssumoning contract? Unlike the others I do not offer this lightly."

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Others of my kind love the idea of chaos." She explained. "I don't care for the pointless fighting and destruction. Looking into your soul I see a pure being with no need for such mindless annihilation. Giving an opportunity to partner with me is something I have never done, but for your pain and suffering you should be compensated."

Kusho opened her mouth let a scroll fall from it. It rolled open revealing a blank summoning contract. There were so many spaces but not a single one had been filled. Biting my thumb I signed my name and put my finger prints. Around us stars appeared reveling we were in a cave with and open top.

"Would I be able to summon you when I return?" I asked politely.

"Of course." Kusho hissed kindly.

"Just know you may feel a bit cramped where I am." I smiled.

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