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A few neighborhoods had managed to remain untouched by the attack. Our neighborhood was almost one of them. Though there was some light damage our house was still standing along with mom and dad's.

I stood in a cute long flowy white dress holding a bouquet of wild flowers. Mom  had braided my hair and Kurenai put a bunch of forget-me-nots in the braid. Thinking back on my childhood with Kakashi I smiled softly. Somehow he'd found a photographer that didn't lose his camera in the attack.

"You look gorgeous." Mom complimented as she looked me over.

"Thank you." I replied as I let out a sigh. "It's funny. The day has finally come and I'm going to be a Hatake."

Mom chuckled. "You know your dad and I knew from the beginning the two of you would be together." She shook her head. "Took the two of you long enough."

There was a light knock on the door. Kurenai poked her head in smiling. "Everything is ready."

I nodded taking a deep breath. She opened the door the rest of the way to let dad in. He walked over as the other two left.

"Ready to go?" Dad asked with the biggest smile.

Taking a look down at myself I nodded. "We better not keep him waiting."

I took dad's arm as we walked out of my old room and down the hallway. Stopping at the end I took a deep breath. Stepping forward we turned and my heart started to race. Through the open back door I could see Kakashi waiting under the cherry tree with Hiashi. He was wearing a black dress shirt with black dress pants and no headband. He still had his mask on which made me smile. Slowly we walked out of the house towards the tree. Kakashi's brow furrowed as he saw me. I knew he was trying to hide his emotions. We stood in front of Kakashi and Hiashi as I tried to keep myself from crying.

~After the wedding~

Kakashi carried me into our house as I giggled. I had my arms wrapped around  his neck as I played with his hair. Gently I pulled his mask down to reveal a massive smile.

"Now what, Mrs. Hatake?" He asked playfully.

I thought for a moment. "I'm not sure." I yawned resting my head on his shoulder.

"Could I interest you in a relaxing bath and a movie?" He asked.

Thinking about it I was sore and exhausted. "Honestly, that sounds wonderful." I answered.

He carried me back to our bedroom and sat me on the bed. I laid back smiling as I thought of the day I'd just had. It felt as if the attack had never even happened.

Suddenly Kakashi scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the bathroom. He sat me down giving me a long deep kiss. Turning he started to leave the bathroom as I tried unzip my dress. A sharp pang went through my body causing me to yelp.

Kakashi quickly turned around and looked at me wide eyed. "Are you ok?"

I held my side wincing. "Yeah, I just tried to unzip my dress. Do you think you could help me." I sighed heavily. "It still hurts to move around."

He looked me blushing lightly as he hesitated. "I-I can help."

I giggled at him causing another burst of pain. Holding my stomach I smirked looking up at him. "We're married now and you still act like seeing me naked is wrong."

He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Actually, it's just that..." he trailed off for a moment, "I have thought about it... respectfully of course. Things like this will be normal for us before we know it. After knowing eachother this long it seems strange that our relationship will be changing."

I nodded as I thought about what he was saying. "I mean it really won't be that different. The only real change is seeing eachother without clothes."

He stepped forward nodding. "You're right."

As I turned around I felt a knot form in my stomach. Realizing he was about to see me naked I felt the same nervousness as he did. He pulled down the zipper as I felt my cheeks flush red. His hands moved gently over my shoulders pushing the straps off. The dress fell gently to the floor as I felt my breath catch. We stood in complete silence for a moment unmoving. Turning I looked up to see Kakashi's face had turned a bright shade of red. Reaching down I slid off my underwear and met his eyes again. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he tried to keep his composure.

Failing to sound calm he tried to sound unfazed. "Yeah, nothing different at all."

I also failed to hide how nervous I was. "For someone who reads those Make Out Paradise books you seem awfully flustered."

Doing his best to keep his cool Kakashi picked me up again and gently placed me in the bath. Looking into his eye I felt my anxiety melt away. It was just Kakashi after all. I watched as the tension left him. He rested his hand on my cheek as he sat by the tub. In that moment I felt so connected, vulnerable, and immeasurably in love.

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