More New People

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Kakashi had met me at my house that morning. We'd walked to class together. We even sat in the same spots as the day before.

Class was over and I had plans. I quickly gathered my things. Kakashi went to grab my bag, but I held it away from him. He smiled at me and chuckled.

"Come on let me carry it." He said chuckling.

"I'm not going home." I said sticking my nose up.

"I don't care. I'll still walk with you." He said squinting at me. "Where are you going?"

"To the pottery shop." I said still holding the bag away from him.

Suddenly my bag was taken from my hand. Shocked I turned around to see Asuma holding it. I glared at him while he smiled at me. Kurenai giggled watching the events unfold. Asuma threw my bag to Kakashi who caught it with ease.

"Asuma!" I yelled angrily.

"Come on, Shiro." Asuma said smiling. "I gotta help my friend out."

"So I'm not your friend?" I questioned Asuma.

"I never said that!" Asuma defended himself.

"Shiro, let's go." Kakashi said taking my hand.

I growled at Asuma before walking with Kakashi. I walked out of the school with him. We walked down the streets holding hands. I was still grumpy over the whole bag ordeal.

"Are you going to stay mad at me?" Kakashi asked.

I looked at him locking eyes with eachother. "No." I said sighing.

"You know why I do this, right?" He asked.

"No." I answered.

"It's because-" Kakashi was cut off.

"Kakashi!" I heard a voice yell.

A boy with black hair wearing orange goggles and a girl with brown eyes, brown hair, and purple face paint came running up. They stopped in front of us. Kakashi smiled at them.

"Have you met Obito and Rin?" Kakashi asked.

"No." I replied shaking my head.

"I'm Obito Uchiha." The boy said pointing to himself.

"And I'm Rin Nohara." The girl added waiving.

"Hi..." I said stepping slightly behind Kakashi and holding his hand with both of mine. "My name is Shiro."

Kakashi looked back at me with a smile. "What are you  guys up to?" Kakashi asked turning his attention back to his friends.

"We were going to go to the park." Obito said.

"Do you guys want to join us?" Rin asked.

"I'll go after I get Shiro to the pottery shop." Kakashi answered.

"I can get there on my own." I whispered still hiding behind Kakashi.

"I told you I'd take you." Kakashi said firmly.

"Ok." I mumbled.

"I'll see you guys there." Kakashi said waiving as we started walking again.

We continued walking until we got to the shop. Kakashi walked in with me still holding my hand. Dad stood at the counter helping a customer check out. I led Kakashi to the back. He sat down my bag.

"Thank you for walking me here." I said tucking a loose hair behind my ear.

"I'll see you later?" Kakashi asked.

"Tomorrow. I'll probably be here all day until dad closes up shop." I answered.

We hugged eachother tightly.

"I'll see you in the morning." Kakashi said as he let me go.

"I'll see you in the morning." I replied watching him walk away.

I looked around the workshop. I grabbed a small piece of clay and got to work. I made a small flat circle with a small hole on top. I sat it in the kiln and turned it on. Meanwhile I walked out to see that almost all of my pendants had sold.

"So, how's the boyfriend?" Dad teased.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I yelled embarrassed.

"Ok then." Dad said holding his hands up. "Are you going to make more pendants? A lot of people are asking about the butterfly ones."

"I can make more!" I answered.

I went back to the workshop and grabbed more clay. I sat on one of the stools sculpting the clay into butterflies, flowers, and hearts. By the time I was done sculpting the kiln had finished and cooled down. I pulled out the circle and replaced it with all of my pendants. I turned the kiln on and returned to my work area with the circle. I sat painting the circle.

I painted it orange, yellow, and purple like the sunset. In the middle I painted a silver and lilac dragonfly. Dad walked in with a brown bag as I finished. Mom followed behind him.

"I got your favorite." He chimed.

"Eel roll!" I said excitedly.

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