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Walking in front of the logistics unit I looked around at the trees. We were definitely going in the right direction. It just felt like we were never going to get to the medical camp. It was already night number two of this war and we'd lost so many people. Trying to focus on my current task I took a deep breath.

The different battalions had been moving and fighting all day and night. This meant that the food rations and medical supplies we were transporting were going to be a massive relief to those on the front lines. From my understanding the camp we were going to was where Sakura was stationed. It was also supposed to be the one closest to where Kakashi's division was fighting.

A light breeze blew bringing me some resemblance of peace. It also carried a very unfamiliar smell. Quickly I channeled snake sage mode and looked around with my enhanced Byakugan. I saw a chakra network approaching us. It looked a lot like Kakashi. My heart sped up for a moment before I realized he was alone. Confused I looked around and passed him. There were other chakras but they didn't look right. There was something off about it.

The moment I realized my stupidity I sighed. The heat signatures of these "people" were colder than the average human. Falling back a little I warned a few of the other defense shinobi about what was up ahead.

"Don't do anything until I give the order." I ordered. "I think they're trying to disguise themselves as people we know. Let the others know and have them turn their headbands slightly to the right so we can be sure of who is real."

Adjusting my headband I prepared myself. The fake Kakashi came into view and I still felt a hint of excited relief. Pushing it to the side I knew keeping my head on my shoulders would mean the difference between life and death for me and my troop.

"Shiro, I'm so happy that you're ok!" He smiled as he approached me with open arms.

In a swift flash I drew my sword slashing down through the fake Kakashi's neck. Its head fell to the ground as its true form was revealed. A rustle came from the trees that surrounded us.

"Protect the cargo and fight them as they come!" I ordered loudly not allowing my fear to show.

They came from the trees all at once lunging at whoever was closest. That was the moment it truly settled in for me... we were truly at war. Sheathing my sword I drew water from the ground freezing and coating them in venom I sent them in the direction of the enemies closest to me. The sounds of many jutsus and screams filled my ears, but this was no time to falter. Looking to my right I saw a large group of enemies rushing in.

Hastily I wove my hand signs. "Paralyzing winter fangs!"

Sending a volley of ice spikes I hit all but two of them. Drawing my sword yet again I took off in a sprint. The first one went down fast and easy. However the second one seemed to be a tad stronger and more focused. Blocking my attack it went for my neck. Jumping back I was merely grazed by its fingertips. Swing my sword around I aimed for its neck just to feel something grab me from behind and throw me to the ground. My impact with the ground caused me to lose my sword and sent pain throughout my body. Observing my surroundings I realized I was surrounded by enemies. Quickly weaving hand signs I used paralyzing winter hail. As it fell around my I shielded my with a wind barrier. Analyzing my condition I realized I was not tired and still had plenty of chakra to spare.

Releasing my barrier I summoned Kusho. "Take care of the left side and I'll cover the right." I ordered standing up. "That camp needs these supplies so we'll have to make this quick."

Grabbing my sword I infused more chakra more to increase my speed and strength. First, I saved those that seemed to be in immediate danger before moving to the battles that had nearly been won. It all happened so fast that I barely knew what was going on, but it felt as if I were moving in slow motion. As I approached the back of the formation I saw Kusho had already cleared up the enemies.

Catching my breath I realized I'd been cut in multiple locations. I used white snow to stop the bleeding before helping gather the wounded on to the carts. I felt the gaze of many watch me as I helped.

"Remain vigilant and let's continue." I ordered breaking the silence. "Kusho, take right flank."

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