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The last six months were mainly spent training with clans that would let me train with them and working on pottery. My frog tea sets were a big seller. Every time I would finish a set I'd sit it in the front window. Every time I'd go to the back room just to walk out to see the spot empty again. I'd made Minato his small set and he seemed so excited about it. Kakashi was still pretty cold and grumpy to people. We spent a lot of time apart due to him training and going on missions.

We spread out looking for our target. Asuma went left. Kurenai went right. I took to the treetops looking down the middle. Choza sensei waited on the trail incase they ran that way.

I was scouting out my area when I heard Kurenai scream. Quickly I changed directions heading to Kurenai. She screamed again and I started going faster. Fear spread through my body. I felt a weird sensation. That's when it happened. My Byakugan had awakened.

I looked around amazed. I could see through the trees. Looking around I saw two chakra networks. Making out the shapes was pretty easy. Kurenai was laying on the ground and the target was pinning her to the ground.

I ran as fast as I could towards them. I jumped out landing beside them. What I saw was not what I thought I was approaching. Kurenai was laying on the ground with the great dane we'd been chasing licking her face. She laughed trying to push him away. I pulled a leash from my pouch and hooked it to his collar. Turning he looked at me wagging his tail. He jumped knocking me to the ground. He licked my face covering me in slobber.

I reached up clicking my ear piece. "Sensei! Ugh stop it! Help please!" I tried to talk but I was being attacked so lovingly.

In a couple minutes Choza sensei arrived. I laid there laughing while trying to get the pup off of me. He was so big and adorable. Kurenai was trying to get him off of me.

"Off boy!" I yelled laughing.

Suddenly he stopped backing up off of me.

"Sit boy!" Kurenai commanded.

The dog just stood there.

"Sit boy!" I ordered and he sat.

"Hm seems like he likes you, Shiro." Asuma chuckled walking up to us.

I stood taking the leash from Kurenai. "Well let's return this pup."

~~~~Back at the Village~~~~

"Oh my Nuffle!" The elderly lady cried out in joy.

"There you go ma'am." I said handing over the leash.

She held up her hands. "Ah you can take him to the pound for me. I'm far too old to take care of him." She explained.

I looked up at Choza sensei sadly and down to Nuffles. The feeling in my heart was one of sadness. How was I supposed to take this big teddy bear to the pound?

"What if I kept him?" I rambled without thinking.

"Shiro!" Kurenai yelled in surprise.

"Oh, that would be lovely! Here take this!" The lady said pointing to a box. "Iwas going to send this with him to the pound. I've loved him so much since he was a small pup. Two years Nuffle has been in my care. Take good care of him for me."

"I will!" I said excitedly.

We started walking to my house. Choza offered to go with Kurenai to the Hokage's office to make the report and explain the situation.

We got to my house and I quietly told Asuma and Nuffle to stay put. I walked in calling for mom and dad. They weren't home. I went out signaling that it was ok to come in. Asuma and I were quietly making our way down the hallway when Kakashi's door opened. I fell back nearly knocking over Asuma.

"Shiro... who is this?" Kakashi asked looking confused.

I stood in front of Nuffle quickly. "Oh it's just Asuma." I giggled nervously.

Kakashi looked at me unamused. "Shiro, it's as big as you are."

I hung my head stepping to the side. "She was just going to send him to the pound." I pouted.

Kakashi's hands rested on my shoulders. He pushed my head up by my chin with his index finger sighing. He looked into my eyes. At first his looked at me annoyed but soon filled with love.

"Ok, I'll help you talk Inzo and Maya into keeping him." He sighed.

Excitedly I jumped up hugging him. "Oh, thank you, Kakashi!"

I picked up Nuffle's leash leading him to my room. When we got to my room I removed the leash. Asuma sat the box by my desk. Kakashi put his arm around me.

"Shiro! Kakashi! I'm home!" Moms voice called.

"Oh no!" I said shrinking.

Asuma looked at me panicked. Slowly I walked out of my room holding my hands behind my back. Kakashi followed me leaving Asuma with Nuffle.

"Mom." I said shyly looking at my feet. "I um..."

I caught a flash of black fur from the corner of my eye. I looked up in terror as Nuffle ran jumping on mom. She nearly fell down but managed to stay up right. She giggled and pet Nuffle.

"You're not mad?" I asked.

"No, sweetheart. I've wanted a cat and a dog for a while now." She smiled. "Kakashi what do you think?"

"I thought the rule was no animals?" Kakashi was a bit perplexed.

"Well Inzo can deal with it." Mom kneeled to pet Nuffle. "What's his name? Where'd he come from?"

I stared shocked.

"Nuffle. We had to get him during a mission, but the little old lady couldn't care for him anymore and was going to send him to the pound." Asuma explained behind me.

"Well Nuffle welcome to the Nagi family." Mom said happily.

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