It All Makes Sense

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"Shiro! Shiro!" Yamato's voice ripped me back to the room. His face was full of panic and his hands were on my shoulders. "Are you ok?"

I felt an immense amount of chakra flowing through me. "I'm fine. Why?"

Yamato looked at me terrified. "You should go to the window and look at yourself."

Getting up I walked over looking at my reflection. My skin was pure white. My hair and eyes had turned void black and there was a black stripe across my face spanning from the top of one ear to the other. I had a chakra cloak that looked as if it were made of the galaxy. A sort of smoke like chakra aura flowed around me.

"I found something that I don't think we planned for." I stated staring at my reflection before returning to the . "Would you guys mind standing by me?"

The guys hesitated but decided to join me. Weaving my hand signs I slammed my hand to the ground. Kusho summoned with us on top of her head.

"Kusho these are my friends. Could you set us down so I can properly introduce you?" I asked politely.

"Yes, ma'am." She hissed in my head as she lowered her head to let us down.

Confidently I walked off of Kusho's head to her back. The other four were still a bit shaken. Waiving them forward they followed.

"Thank you, Kusho." I said politely rubbing her nose gently before she returned to her normal position. "Everybody, this is Kusho, my new summoning animal." I motioned to her as she bowed her head. "Kusho, this is Ibiki, Shikaku, Inoichi, and Yamato."

"They are kind like you?" She asked curiously.

"Yes." I answered with a smile.

"You can understand it?" Yamato asked confused.

I giggled. "I apologize I forgot that I only hear her voice in my head. Yes, she is a girl and she speaks to me."

"Is she dangerous?" Ibiki asked staring up at her.

"She is not. She doesn't believe in pointless violence. Her eyes have seen the violence of mankind and she wants to help in the creation of peace."

"Our contract is still new. So, I will not be able to stay long." She informed me politely.

"I understand." I acknowledged her. "I will send you back now."

Quickly I released her and realized we were a bit high up. All five of us landed solidly on the ground. As we regained our composure the other entered the room.

"So, the chakra I couldn't identify was sage chakra." Hiashi said letting his Byakugan rest.

I thought for a moment. "I have a theory." I stated as I stopped infusing my chakra. Looking around everybody seemed intrigued by what I had to say. "I believe this was what Kabuto was hoping for. You see he infused me with the chakra from a curse bearer. I believe that was to help with the infusions of his and Orochimaru's blood. There's a possibility that they both achieved snake sage mode. So, there's a possibility that their sage chakra fused with my base chakra causing me to have the ability to use that sage mode."

Tsunade pondered this hard for a moment. "That would be the only logical explanation. Why would he do that?"

I put my hands on my hips. "He most likely thought I'd get Stockholm syndrome. When I first met Kabuto he was going by the name Ken. We became very close friends. He was betting that I'd remember the time before I left and fall in love with him. It would've not only gotten him the woman he wanted but a powerful weapon aswell."

"It all makes sense." Tsunade stated as she crossed her arms. "I think we're done for the day. You should probably get home to your fiancé for dinner."

This statement confused me greatly. "Dinner? We've only been here for an hour or so." I furrowed my brow.

Yamato chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "I see your meditative state caused some serious time distortion."

I realized what he meant. We walked to the door as a group. I said my goodbyes to the others as they left. Yamato waited for me as I got my stuff from the locker. Slowly we made our way up the stairwell. The fatigue had started to set in.

We made it to the front doors after a while. Poor Yamato kept having to wait for me. The moon in the night sky confirmed what they'd told me. I'd really infused my chakra for that long.

"Here." Yamato said as he swiftly put me on his back. "You worked hard today. All of that chakra infusion probably took its toll on you."

Too exhausted to refuse I wrapped my arms around him to steady myself. "Thank you, Yamato." I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder.

My eye lids felt so heavy. I let them shut gently as the slight sway of Yamato walking cradled me to sleep.

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