Are You Ok

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Fingers ran through my hair causing me to wake up. Kakashi's smiling face greeted me as I opened my eyes. He wasn't wearing his mask or his headband. Sitting up a little I realized Yamato was still carrying me. Gently he sat me on my feet as Kakashi made sure I could stand.

"Thank you, Yamato." Kakashi said kindly. "Would you like to stay and have some dinner?"

Yamato thought for a moment and shrugged while removing his headpiece. "I have nothing else to do."

Pulling myself together I sauntered over to the table as the other two carried in dinner and tea. Kakashi had made grilled salmon and miso soup. We ate in silence as usual. I was still tired but nowhere near as exhausted as I was before.

"How did the tests go today?" Kakashi asked looking to me.

"Interesting." I answered broadly.

Yamato swallowed his food and shook his head. "That would be an understatement."

"Oh?" Kakashi said curiously.

I looked to Yamato and shrugged. "You can tell him." I grabbed a chunk of salmon with my chopsticks. "I'm starving."

Yamato nodded before looking to Kakashi. "Well we thought we'd have her infuse her chakra and try using a jutsu she knew well. We had Hiashi there to spot any strange flow in her chakra. She started meditating and after an hour or so we tried talking to her. She wasn't responding and Hiashi said there was a strange flow so we had to be prepared to restrain her. A few hours after that her physical appearance changed entirely. I panicked and tried to get her to stop. When she did well..." he paused momentarily, "she was her normal self, but her physical appearance stayed the same. Turns out she gained not only snake sage abilities, but she now has a snake summon."

Kakashi blinked at me blankly.

I shrugged it off. "What? It's still me I just have a fancy new partner and some extra abilities." I stated blatantly. "It's not really that surprising if you think about it. Kabuto expiremented on me to make a new weapon and succeeded. He just didn't plan on my returning to the Leaf."

"I'm glad you're handling this well." Kakashi sighed.

I stood to clear the table. "I just don't see why it comes as any surprise after what happened to me."

I quickly cleared the table leaving the tea for Yamato and Kakashi. Washing the dishes I thought about the earlier events of the day. In hindsight I guess it was rather impressive and exciting. It didn't change the fact that it was my new reality. I finished drying and putting away the dishes. Walking through the hall I went to our bedroom. I grabbed a change of clothes and decided a quick hot bath sounded nice.

I sat in the tub letting my body relax. Deciding it was time to get out I sat forward pulling the stopper. Getting out I grabbed my towel and dried off. I put my shorts and tank top on before brushing my hair. Walking out of the bathroom I saw Kakashi laying in bed reading. He closed his book as I crawled up next to him. I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. He wrapped his arm around me and started playing with my hair.

"Are you sure that you are ok?" He asked concerned.

"I promise I am." I reassured him.

Listening to Kakashi's heartbeat I relaxed completely. He made me feel so safe and secure. My eyes started to drift shut as Kakashi turned off his lamp. He pulled the blanket up making sure I was covered. He wrapped his other arm around me as I started to fall asleep.

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