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Kurenai and Asuma seemed happy to see me. They'd finally gotten together and married. Guy was in tears. He admitted he watched our reunion. Kakashi just sat smiling at me most of the meal.

We walked hand in hand to my house. I was nervous to go inside. Gently I knocked on the door. Slowly it opened to reveal the old man I called my father. He smiled as tears formed in his eyes.

"Shiro." He whispered.

"Who's there." Mom asked walking up behind him. She looked up at me and here expression was one of pure joy. "Shiro!"

The two hugged me tightly softly crying. I did my best to hold back tears. They stepped back looking me over.

"My how big you've grown!" Dad said leading Kakashi and I in. Kakashi hung his vest by the door.

"You know. If you haven't decided I'll be the first to tell you. That boy you left here is a keeper." She said giggling. "Any time Kakashi was home he'd come by to visit at least one a day."

I smiled at Kakashi who chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "Well I mean you guys did take care of me most of my life." He smiled. "Besides Maya always made the best red bean pancakes and onigiri."

"Boy learned to make some nice pottery too. He worked his way up to my level." Dad gave a hearty laugh. "Maybe I should let him take over the shop."

"Oh and what would you do?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. "I'd retire on a beach. Until I got bored that is."

"Now Inzo if I'm running a pottery shop who would protect the village?" Kakashi asked crossing his arms.

"Eh you're right." Dad replied. "You better marry that one soon, Shiro. Ladies have been chasing after tall and handsome since you left."

Kakashi waived his hands. "Oh no they haven't. Besides I've had a girlfriend this whole time."

"Oh! So you decided that you guys are still together?" Mom asked. "Gotta lot of catching up to do. Don't cha?"

"Well we better get started." I said taking Kakashi's hand.

We went to my room. Kakashi pulled up my old desk chair sitting with his arms on the back rest. He rested his chin on his arms as he watched me look around before sitting on my bed. I looked at him tilting my head slightly.

After I asked Kakashi told me about all of his adventures since I'd left. He told me about losing Rin and his time in the Anbu. He told me about his team and the lost student Sasuke. Then, he updated me on his rivalry with Guy. I hung off of his every word.

"Sounds like you've not changed a bit. Just grew up a little is all." I said smiling once he was done.

"What about you?" He asked.

"Well I traveled for 19 years." I started. "I trained in any village I could. When there was no training to be done I'd stay and learn about the culture. Everywhere I went I stayed for about a year or two. I worked many jobs like chef, farm hand, waitress, shopkeeper, and so on. Made a lot of friends. Made a lot of rivals. Had men ask me to marry them. Had mom's ask me to marry their sons. Mastered four of the five chakra natures. Studied a lot. Taught pottery to those who wanted to start their own shops. Learned many art forms. Became deadly with a katana." I explained. "You know not much."

Kakashi stared at me in awe. "Four of the five chakra natures?" He said impressed.

"Only one I didn't get was earth style. Water was natural for me. Fire was a close second place." I stated nonchalantly. I looked him straight on. "Do you really think we can just pick up where we left off?"

Kakashi looked at me straight faced. "Yes."

"Ok glad we're on the same page." I said laying back.

I heard the chair move. Footsteps came over to my bed. Kakashi laid facing me pulling down his mask to reveal a soft smile. I turned to face him. He brushed my hair behind my ear. I wiggled over cuddling up against him. He held me close nuzzling the top of my head.

"Move in with me." He whispered.

Shocked I pushed back looking up at him. "What?" I asked surprised.

"It's ok if you'd rather wait, but you could stay in my old room." He explained. "I got the old house back when I joined the Anbu Black Ops. It made things simpler with your parents."

"Oh." I said a bit relieved. "Ok."

Now Kakashi was the one looking surprised. "Really?" He asked.

I nodded before curling up against his chest again. I felt so safe here. It reminded me of the day before I left the village. He was finally ok again. Everything felt so perfect.

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