Life Goes On

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My body shot forward as my eyes snapped open. Clutching the sheets, I tried to take a few deep breaths. My stomach churned violently. I was going to be sick.

Shooting out of bed, I ran to the bathroom. My head hung in the toilet as I hurled violently. The shower door slid open as my dear husband peered out. Looking from the corner of my eye, I sat back on my knees.

"I don't feel so-" I was interrupted by another round of vomiting.

The shower turned off and a gentle sigh came from the same direction. Strong hands pulled my hair away from my face and tied it back. Kakashi kneeled beside my rubbing my back. Why the hell was I so sick? Was it the sushi I'd had for dinner?

"I'll take you to see the doctor." He said softly.

I shook my head. "No, you have paperwork a mile high." I refused. "I can take myself."

"Shiro," He started his protest.

"Kakashi, the leaf needs their Hokage." I stood my ground. "I'll be fine on my own."

Kakashi groaned, but gave up on the fight. He knew that arguing with me would only delay my getting to the hospital. As he went to get dressed I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I was wearing a pair of his pajama pants and one of his sweaters. This would have to do for the time. The thought of getting dressed was enough to make my stomach churn once more.

Kakashi helped me into my jacket carefully. Taking his arm, we started our walk through the village. The snow was falling slowly on our peaceful little village. After the war Kakashi had found me out on the battlefield. I woke up in the hospital with him sat by my bed. I'd been one of the last to recover from the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

After some time, Lady fifth stepped down from her position and Kakashi was chosen to be the new Hokage. Instead of living in the mansion we chose to stay in our little house. Not only did it hold memories, but it was near mom and dad. When they decided to start traveling I took over the pottery shop. Business was as busy as ever with the new peace that resulted from the war. Progression had started among all of the villages. We were seeing new technology, but most people valued art in place of factory produced goods.

Once we reached the hospital Kakashi and I went our separate paths.

"Come see me once you are done here, ok?" He said, caressing my cheek. I gave a simple nod. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied softly.

He looked around to make sure no eyes were watching us before pulling his mask down. His lips pressed to mine in an endearing kiss. Hugging him, I let him go on his way.


My feet could not carry me fast enough. How would he react? What would he say? Oh good grief, was Shikamaru in the office today? There was no doubt in my head that he would panic. How did I keep him from panicking? There was no keeping him from panicking.

I just needed to breathe. As I walked up the stairs I recited what to say in my head over and over. The door was closed! No no no! I'd have to wait until his meeting was done. I paced back and forth in a dazed state.

"Lady Hatake?" A soft voice pulled me from my thoughts. It was only Hinata. "You can go in now." She spoke gently, motioning to the open door.

Nodding, I walked in, closing the door behind me. Kakashi was sipping his tea as Shikamaru helped organize paperwork. I tried so hard to properly compose my words, but my attempt failed miserably.

I met Kakashi's eyes and blurted out. "Kakashi, I'm pregnant."

Kakashi froze in shock, blinking at me. Shikamaru nearly tripped over what I was pretty sure was nothing. Standing there, I waited for some kind of reply, but I knew he needed hard proof. From beneath my jacket I produced a paper of test results and ultrasound photos. Both men stared at the items without a word.

Shikamaru looked me over and turned to Kakashi with a smile. He placed his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, giving an amused chuckle. "Good luck. I'm gonna go get the four of us some lunch."

Shikamaru left the office, giving us some privacy. Kakashi picked up the photos, taking a closer look. The only option I had was to wait for some sort of reply. He stood from his chai, placing his tea on his desk. His arms wrapped around me carefully.

"I'm going to be a father." His voice was filled with disbelief.

We stood there in each other's arms for a while. Neither of us said a word, but I knew he was just as panicked as I.


Breakfast had been finished and Lunches had been packed. Kakashi walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck sending shivers through me. Giggling, I turned around in his arms.

"You know, I have the day off, right?" Kakashi whispered suggestively.

Rolling my eyes, I giggled again. "You, my love, need to make sure your son is ready for school."

His forehead pressed against mine. "He should be out at any-"

"You guys are so gross!" Daiko's voice yelled from the door way.

Smiling, I grabbed his lunch and gave Kakashi a small peck. Walking over to Daiko, I sighed heavily. This child, his silver hair was a mess. I tried to fix it, but he squirmed and protested. A knock at the door grabbed our attention.

Mirai waited patiently on the porch. Daiko snatched her bag away giving her a sly smile. The two started their walk to school hand in hand.

"You know, I think this next generation of shinobi is going to pass up the previous one in no time." I stated as I watched them walk away.

"I believe you may be right." Kakashi agreed.

Turning to my husband, I wrapped my arms around him. Our eyes locked and a smile grew on my lips. He kissed me lovingly as his hand cradled my cheek.

"I love you, Shiro Hatake." He whispered softly.

"I love you too, Kakashi Hatake."


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