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I managed to adapt to the sunlight. Still too weak to walk very much Asuma carried me. Pakkun had gone ahead of us to inform Kakashi I'd been found.

Asuma had slowed to a walk for my sake. I could see the gate and hear footsteps running to us. Asuma kneeled gently as I could make out Kakashi running up to us. He looked down at me falling to his knees as tears filled his eyes.

"You're alive." He muttered.

I tried to get up out of Asuma's arms but failed miserably. Kakashi caught me before I hit the ground. A medical team ran up behind Kakashi and tried to take me. Kabuto's face popped into my vision and I could feel his hands holding me down.

"No!" I screeched trying to grab onto Kakashi.

"Wait!" He yelled getting them to stop. "I can carry her."

Kakashi gently picked me up and started to carry me away. Sakura walked beside us in her medical uniform. I stared at Kakashi as he carried me into the village.

"What happened?" Kakashi asked gently.

"Kabuto." I muttered roughly. "I'd met him once about five years ago. He said his name was Ken and became my friend. I had no idea who he really was. He did expirements on me. Blood transfusions constantly. He poisoned my food with something that drained my chakra. I haven't eat in days. I'm so tired."

"You're safe now." Kakashi reassured. "I won't leave your side. I promise."

We got to the hospital and the smell took me back to the laboratory. I shook feeling nauseated. I whimpered seeing those blood bags flash through my vision. Kakashi squeezed me tight pulling me back to reality.

A room had been prepared for me already. Sakura personally examined me. I felt safe again but my body was on edge.

"Ok, I'm going to have to take some blood from you now." She informed me.

She grabbed a needle and went to stick it in my arm. Kabuto's hands flashed through my vision causing me to jump and throw a weak punch. Kakashi stopped me right before it connected.

"Shiro, I'm right here." He stood in front of me gently putting my arm down. "Focus on me."

He held my hand tight looking into my eyes. I stared into his eye determined to get through this. Feeling the needle slide into my vein tears quickly filled my eyes. Kakashi kept eye contact encouraging me to remain calm.

"I think we have enough." Sakura said sliding out the needle.

Looking into Kakashi's eyes I felt nauseous. My stomach turned and I leaned forward. Kakashi in a flash grabbed a trashcan and I hurled. Sakura quickly left the room. Kakashi used a towel to clean off my mouth. Tears filled my eyes and I felt so helpless.

"What have I become?" I cried.

Kakashi looked at me with sadness. "Everything will be just fine." He reassured.

Sakura returned with a bottle of water and a bottle of juice. Tanking a sip I swished around the water before spitting it into the trashcan. Kakashi put it down and sag beside me. The door opened as Lady Hokage walked in.

"Hello, Shiro." She greeted softly.

I tried to bow but it sent pain through my body. "Lady Hokage." I muttered through tears.

"Please just call me Lady Tsunade." She said gently. "I came to check on you and let you know what the next steps will be for you."

"Ok." I responded raspily.

"We'll be testing your blood to see if we can figure out the purpose of Kabuto's expirements." She explained. As she said his name my body went stiff. "I'll be sending you home with Kakashi seeing as it may be more comfortable for you. Kakashi you'll be in charge of making sure Shiro is taken care of. Sakura will be stopping by daily as a personal doctor. She'll administer treatment and give you news on our findings."

"Thank you, Tsunade." Kakashi thanked her kindly.

"Thank you, ma'am." I responded weakly.

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