New Home Same You

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A hand gently touched my shoulder. I squeezed my eyes shut tighter and yawned as I opened them. Mom sat on my bed smiling.

"Good morning, sweetheart." She said giving me the most loving look in the world.

"Good morning, momma." I replied smiling.

"Kakashi, told us you're moving in with him." Mom said looking at me suggestively.

"Mom! No!" I said quickly sitting up. "I'll be staying in a separate room!"

"If you say so." She giggled. "He left to get things ready for you early this morning."

"Left?" I said confused.

"He stayed in his old room." Mom informed me. "I got you some boxes." She motioned to a pile of boxes sitting in a corner.

I got up and got to work. I didn't have much to pack. Just some books, pictures, and a few knick nacks. Once I finished I walked to the kitchen to get a cup of tea. I looked out the window at the old cherry tree. Taking my tea with me I sat under the tree. In front of the tree was a small metal plaque. It had the name 'Nuffle' engraved on it. I rubbed the plaque remembering my beloved pup. Finishing my tea I gave it one good pat.

"He slept in your room every night." Kakashi said walking up. I turned looking up at him. "Ready to go?"

I nodded standing up. We walked in to see mom and dad carrying my two boxes worth of stuff. I grabbed my bag from beside the door. The three of us walked to Kakashi's house.

It was just as I remembered. We went back to my new room. I opened the door to see a mostly empty room with a bed in the back left corner. There was a bookshelf in the back right corner and a desk in the front left corner. On the back wall was a sliding door and a window just over my bed.

Mom and dad sat the boxes down before saying their goodbyes. I looked around the room sitting on the bed. Kakashi pulled his mask completely off. I looked up at him admiring the face that I'd missed so much.

"We should go grab you a few things." He suggested looking into my eyes.

"I don't want to go anywhere today." I holding his gaze.

"Well what would you like to do?" He asked keeping eye contact whilst leaning against the wall.

"Anything with you." I replied.

He smiled looking down at the floor.

"It's funny. We're in our 30's now." I laughed lightly. "But I sit here still feeling like that 12 year old girl with the biggest crush."

I stood walking over to Kakashi.

"I have an idea." Kakashi said. "I'll need your help."

I followed Kakashi to the kitchen. He pulled out stuff to make sweet dumplings and popcorn.

"Can you take care of this?" He asked.

"Of course I can." I smiled.

Kakashi left the kitchen. I heard him moving stuff around in the livingroom. I tuned him out focusing on making the snacks.

Eventually he came back and helped me. I looked over noticing how without his vest you could see the way his shirt hugged his muscles. I blushed quickly looking away.

"Do you have any other clothes?" Kakashi asked pouring the popcorn into  a couple of bowls.

"No." I answered looking confused.

Kakashi took my hand leading me to my room. He kneeled down pulling out a box from under the bed. He pulled out a black t-shirt shirt and a pair of black sweat pants.

"These are some of my old clothes. They should fit you." He said handing me the clothes. "Wait outside your door once you change."

He left my room gently closing the door. I wondered what this man had planned. I got changed into the loose fitting pajamas and walked out doing just as I was told. He walked up to me from the livingroom. He was wearing black plaid pajama pants and a dark grey t-shirt.

"Now close your eyes." He said standing behind me.

I closed my eyes as he put his hands on my shoulders. He carefully guided me in the direction of the living room. What in the world was going on? We came to a stop.

"Ok, you can open them now." He informed me.

I opened my eyes to see what he'd done.  The love seats were pushed close to the sofa. There was a sheet draped over them. The TV was on with an old dinosaur movie we watched as kids ready to go. The smile on my face was massive. I turned looking up at Kakashi as he rubbed the back of his head with a nervous smile.

"You remember?" He asked. "We used to watch dinosaur movies in blanket forts all the time when we were kids. I thought maybe we could do that now. Except a little more grown up."

"Kakashi I could never forget." I held him tight with the biggest smile.

We walked over to the front of the fort.  Watching him get down on all fours and crawl in made me laugh. He peaked up motioning for me to join him. I got down crawling in. In front of the fort was our snacks and a couple bottles of apple juice.

Kakashi started the movie. I laid in front of him watching intently. We laid there all day watching dinosaur movies and enjoying eachother's company.

At some point I'd fallen asleep. I'd woken up to Kakashi carrying me bridal style to my room where my bed was already ready for me. He laid me down gently and tucked me in. Once more I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remembered seeing was Kakashi with a truly happy smile.

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