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Waking up I was instantly hit with a wave of nausea. I ran to the bathroom and began throwing up all the contents of my stomach. I didn't even eat anything yesterday. This shit was crazy...

I brushed my teeth and I threw on some sweatpants and a Five Night's At Freddy's shirt. I pulled my hair up so it would be out of my face, and i threw on my alien slippers. I took my phone off of the charger and I looked at my phone.

comrade no.1<3: 25 missed calls

comrade no.1 <3: 18 text messages

I frowned. I was still slightly upset about what she said to me last night. I'm not sure if she meant it or not, but she really rubbed me the wrong way. I met lara when we were in pre-k and she never had left my side since, but for her to call me that really hurt my feelings. I thought she genuinley cared about me.

I guess I was wrong.

I decided today I would make myself some cereal. im surprised there's still food in this bitch. I pulled my glasses back down on my head and I poured some almond milk into my lucky charms. As i was eating my mind couldn't help but wander to that handsome stranger form the club, they ahd been occupying my mind for the past week. I wonder if they thinking about me??

my phone kept ringing.

FaceTime from.... comrade no.1<3!

I sighed. Maybe she'll explain herself. against my better judgement, I decided to answer her call. Picking up my star wars phone case, I clicked the accept button. her face came into the frame instantly. I frowned.

"oh hey laraeviona... need something?" I stale faced her.

"hey girl.. i wnated to talk about last night.. I wasn't in my right state of mind, you know i'll always be there for you. I was so wrapped up in what i wanted to do that I didn't consider how you felt.. forgive me?" She basically pleaded into the phone.

I contemplated on accepting her apology or not. . She really hurt me. But I didn't have anyone to rely on. All I had was Lara. Maybe I should accept her apology and just stand my ground a little more. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to do that, but it was all I could do at the moment. I wasn't sure when Meek would come back and I didn't want to be there when he did.

"Sure Lara.. I forgive you.. sorry for insulting you as well.."

"girl I know i'm a hoe! it's all good! you were angry, and I shouldn't have said no shit like that to you in the first place, at the end of the day you were defending yourself and that's that!"

I nodded and looked into the phone at her surroundings. Something didn't feel right to me, she wasn't in her house.

"Girl where are you?" i asked, quizzically. She started cheesing like crazy.

"Girll! Where are YOU! I gotta tell you about the BOMB ass dick i got last night!"

just like that everything was back to normal.

'i'm at the shared house. meek isn't here right now so I was able to stay the night after you blew me off." She frowned guiltily in the camera.

"i'm sorry girl.." I waved her off.

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