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(Here's pt. 2 AS promised!! Going to update and publish cphs now <3)

(Hope you Enjoy!)








Since Bey told me that I was going to meet her family I was curious, I immediately went to go get ready. Bey was on my heels as I went into he bathroom, now she was just standing over me watching me brush my teeth and wash my face excitedly. I shook her head, running her hand through her curls.

"Ma, You know it ain' really a big deal right?" She spoke out smiling. I spit the rest of the toothpaste out as I rinsed my mouth. I nodded vigorously.

"'Oh! but it is! I want to make a good impression on your family so they can like me! I always want to make a good impression on people I've never met before! It- It's like a job interview! I have to apply for the job to be your girlfriend and future wife! I-if I can't get that than I'd be fired! Did-Did you know that you aren't supposed to wear perfume to a job interview! you also have to wear business casual-"

Beyoncé slowly covered my mouth and pressed me against her toned stomach. whispering my ear, she said very slowly.

"Please baby, I get it, stop rambling ma. I know you excited an ion't wanna take that from you, You can talk now."

She slowly let go of my hand.

"Oh-Oh! and did you know that most businesses will take you if you have good hours an-"

Beyoncé gave me another look and I calmed down. She smiled and kissed me on the forehead.

"Call me if you need anything baby." I nodded.

"Okay! but aren't you going to get dressed?" she laughed and shook her head.

"Hell no, ian' gettin' dressed for them niggas! Like i said, it ain' a big deal ma...." I understood that, but I still had to object to her statement.

" I understand Yonnie, but there's still leftover semen and residue from our transient love-making session!

She looked at me confused.

"Ma what the hell that meant?" I sighed and tried my best to pronounce what she said.

"Yonnie! Our "quickie" as you would call it!"

Her eyes widened and she snapped her fingers.
"Aweee! Thas' watchu' mean, why ain't you say that?"

I just rolled my eyes and pointed to her groin.
She looked down and licked her lips before blushing.

"Awe.. I guess I should change, hollon!" She said running to the closet. I nodded, turning back into the bathroom.

"Thought so.."




I looked at myself in the mirror and I decided that I looked nice enough. I put on a bigger pair of jeans that I was going to wear when the time permits, but I guess that time has come. Tugging on the collar of my Roblox shirt, I decided that I was ready. I slipped on my turtle slippers and posed, throwing my hair in a ponytail.

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