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(here's the chapter, hope you enjoy!)







12:18 𝙋𝙈


Ready to pop, Is what I could say.

This means I was ready to get this baby out of my stomach! It had been over a month now and my stomach was sooo big. on top of that, I missed my baby. Bey was out on business for the past week and she would be coming back home today. I missed her dearly. After talking to her about possibly going back to work, she agreed to let me do some appointments through telemedicine. This means I could still see my patients, just not in real life, on video, more or less.

Finishing my last virtual appointment for today, I closed my laptop and smiled, getting up to go to the kitchen, I went and got some salt and vinegar kettle chips from the cabinet, I had to use my stepstool to get to them because I was too short, embarrassing. After getting them and plopping back onto the couch, I pulled out my Nintendo Gameboy and started competing, I'm in one of those tournaments where you go against states, and group of people. It was a good stress reliever for me.

Being in the living room had become my safe sanctuary for the past week, I didn't like being in our room when Bey wasn't here, and the OBGYN said that sunlight and exercise was good for the baby, so I had devised a daily routine, I went on walks at least two times a day-around the big estate of course. I wouldn't dare go anywhere else without Bey, Lauren, or Carl watching out for me.

Lauren was somewhere in the house, doing the laundry, while Carl was out on a bike ride with his family. having already finished my walk, I was just laying around now. Just as I was about to make a right turn in Mario kart, the baby started kicking me. I hurriedly looked down at my stomach that was poking through my failed attempt at a crop top. All of my shirts fit like this now. Jeez. I could see his feet poking in my stomach. Bey would love this, she's so interested when it comes to him.

Rubbing my stomach, I smiled when he began to calm down. Funny, as soon as I put the game down, now he wants to behave. Typical. This boy doesn't want to see me win! humph! He was already refusing to come out of my stomach, especially since my due date was yesterday. Bey was going to take off from business sand hurry home so she could be there for the birth, but when he didn't come yesterday, She said she was going to hurry home and she booked a flight with me right there on the phone.

Though I'm not sure what Bey was on business for, she said it was extremely important, and she seems really excited about it. Looking over to my Nintendo that was now placed on the couch, I noticed that I lost my winning streak and frowned. Oh well. Deciding that I didn't feel like playing anymore, I ate some of my Salt and Vinegar chips and started watching my favorite movie, Sweeny Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Well, I liked it for Johnny Depp, that man is fine.

About an hour into the movie, I heard the front door unlock, but when I looked to see who it was, there was nobody there. Must be Lauren, she always uses the front and side doors to get around the house faster. That girl moves fast. Just as I was settling back into the groove of the money, two large hands sat on my shoulder, and I jumped up and shrieked.

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