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(Disclaimer: Jada writes sex scene!)

(And, yes, Bey will make up for last time.. a little bit. (FULL CHAPTER!)

(Here's the chapter! hope you enjoy!)






1:25 𝘼𝙈




I was very excited.

I know Beyoncé thinks I won't be able to do much because I am pregnant, but she has another thing coming. I want to make Yonnie feel so good that she'll still be twitching by the morning. I've made a few purchases over the span of three days that I know for a fact, will have her scared. I don't want to make Bey uncomfortable, so of course i'm going to ask for her permission first, but something tells me that this is going to be a long night.

Tonight was the night that my big black bag would finally come out to play. Yonnie had no idea what she was in for and I promise you, it was going to be a treat. After freshening myself up, I got out of the shower and set out the contents of my bag on the wide expanse of the bed. The contents were as follows blindfold, my strap-a bigger and better version, The double sided dildo that I assured bey we would use last time, a automated machine with a dildo attached to it, a few chains, and my personal favorite, a bottle of whipped cream.

Licking my lips in anticipation, I felt arousal start to boil in the pit of my stomach, building up into my core. She wiggled around and clapped my hands silently before deciding to go get Yonnie. I think she was scared, i heard the toilet flush a long time ago, and she had already finished the moaning spells of getting rid of the excrement from her previous endeavor with mac and cheese. I pranced over to the door and knocked on it carefully, making sure to press my ear to the door. I heard a whimper and I knew it was time.

Sneakily turning off all the lights in the room, I clutched the blindfold that now accompanied my wrist, and opened the door softy. Bey gasped and began to talk out.

"Ma? why the fuck are all the lights ou- what the hell is this?!"

She jeered as I came over to the silhouette of her figure and blindfolded her face and she tried to resist. After a while, she stopped, seemingly accepting her fate. Pulling the clothes off of her while she was still in a sitting position, I clutched her hand and let her out into the room, the light of the city illuminating the expanse. The noise from the honking cars and the yelling of distant voices were an accessory to her incessant whimpers.

"Bae, whatever you doing, pleas-"

"Shut up."

"Yes ma'am.."

Leading her over to the rim of the bed, I stood her still and spoke out into the room.

"Let me take care of you tonight.."

"A-are you going to-"

"Don't speak unless I tell you to."

I pushed her onto the bed and adjusted her to my liking, I grabbed the chains from the bedside and I began to link her arms to the bedposts. I stared at the need between her legs. It was up and throbbing, whatever i'm doing, she must like it.

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