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(...some of yall bouta to be real mad at me-)

(anyways I hope yall enjoy plz don't kill me.. Love yall!)






𝙈𝘼𝙔 11𝙏𝙃 2021





There wasn't a way to describe the feeling I was experiencing right now. I can can say is that I'm in total bliss. It's been two months since Mink and I made it official and i'm so in love with her. Her stomach has gotten bigger and you can definitley tell she's pregnant. Not just by looking at her, but talking to her too.

She's also been clingier lately and I honestly find it adorable. She's such a pregnant woman. Right now she's braiding my hair like she my momma. I was spread out in fron tof her while she sat indian style on the ottoman above me. She says she wanted to braid my hair so i can be her little test model for when our son gets here. I'an mind it, but the only thing that was ruining this moment was that damn chicken.

Mink's beloved "Chocolate".

It's honestly fuck him. All he does is sit around My woman and want to get petted on. Why he he taking whats MINE? He was currently laying ontop of Mink's baby bump asleep. We were both watching Flavor of Love. I basically spend my eevry waking moment with my baby now and I love it. I haven't been to the warehouse in some weeks so I have to go there later today to see whats been up. Nika was also ranting to me about how she hasn't heard form Lara in a few months.

I didn't want to tell her but Robyn and I have been talking and appartley Lara is still her little hoe. Hasn't even asked about Onika. I gotta say i was mad. Why would my baby associate herself with her.

I asked her a few weeks ago and she said that Lara was one of the only people she thought didn't see her as a "loser". I scoffed at that though. My babygirl was never a loser. Mink was on the last braid of my hair and she was speaking to me. I tuned back from my thoughts and listened to what she was saying.

" Baby! look at Chocolate! he's sitting on our son, look! he's on my baby bump!"

I rolled my eyes. It's always about this chicken nigga. I swear he get more pussy than me. Speaking of that, we still haven't fucked and the sexual tension was getting unbearable. sometimes We'd both stare at eachother a little too long when i helped her wash her body in the shower, Or when she would look at me from the door of my home gym, biting her lip.

I didn't mind though, that was my baby and I was willing to wait. She won't admit it, but I think she a little insecure. When I was helping her wash, I saw all the bruises on her body from when meek was abusing her. I swear if that nigga is still alive somehow i'm gon' raise fucking hell. nevertheless, i scoffed at Mink's little statement.

"Mane fuck Chocolate." Mink gasped.

"Yonnie! why do you hate him so much?"

"That nigga rolls his eyes, pecks me, and hogs you every damn chance he get! As soon as my son drop we taking it to the yard and imma really fight this nigga!" She stifled a chuckle.

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