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(here's the chapter! (for those who asked for bey's jail flashback; this covers more of the backstory behind her) hope you enjoy!)





𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 11𝙏𝙃 2021




I was woken up by that loud ass clucking, it was 4 in the morning.

confused? let me catch you up to fucking speed.

My baby mink and I have been going on more dates since our night at the museum about a week ago. That honestly had to be the best night of my life. we stayed at that bitch for hours, and we were all alone, except for the damn nightguard. I wanted to take mink on another date so i decided to take her to the carnival.

meek wasn't about to one up me with that shit. may he rest in hell-

Never doing that shit again. I wanted to be cool and win something nice for my girl, (even though she don't know it yet), and do that cute little date shit. of course many other random hoes would want a cute little teddy bear, or a stuffed animal. Well my baby happens to be different.

She wanted a chicken. A fucking chicken.

And since i'm such a fucking pushover and a simp for her i went ahead and won it. worst mistake of my fucking life.




𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 7𝙏𝙃 2021 6:24 𝙋𝙈



Mink was running around screaming and squealing about this damn chicken that i won for her. She fucking begged and begged for me to hit the dart in the target. It was easy enough so i jus' did it.

I had good aim so i got it easily and the annoying ass announcer said that i won. I didn't even know the prize was a damn chicken. She set me the fuck up. When he handed me the chicken his fuck ass started glucking at me.

I dropped his ass and he started running toward mink, who was smiling at it and petting it like some fucking dog. she picked that thing up and came toward me. She batted her eylashes and made me bend down to kiss her. I was almost there when that chicken used its pointy ass nose to try to take my eye out.

"FUCK!" I was holding my eye and balling up my fists. Mink scampered toward me. Short ass.

"Awe Yonnie, let me see it!" i pulled my hand away from my eye so she could see it. she put the animal down and kissed my eye. she hugged me and kissed my forhead. I couldn't help it but my face started getting hot. and i ain' no blushin' ass nigga.

"does it feel better?!"

"yes ma.." I was mugging the hell outta the chicken. fuck I do to you? Mink saw and held the chicken up to me. I instantly jumped back.

"Hell no!" she smiled at me.

"Thank you yonnie!"

"Yeah whatever.."

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