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(here you go! hope yall like it!)


𝙈𝘼𝙍𝘾𝙃 3, 2021


9:00 𝙋𝙈





I looked up at the clock. It's officially been 8 hours since BK came to question me. I'm guess i'm staying here now. I'm a little confused. I still have so many questions. What was meek doing that was so illegal, let alone bad enough to get him killed?

If BK needed more answers, and I had something to do with it, why didn't they just ask me right then? I was befuddled to say the least and i wasn't sure how to feel at the moment. I tried to break down the situation to see if I could come to a definitive answer.

I started to weigh the aspects ]of my problem.

Positive 1: I had a place to stay now.

But I didn't know for how long. once they the nescesary information would they keep me? or would I be taken out and executed like meek?

Positive 2: They haven't hurt me.

But will she? It seems like theyre the type of person to hide their true intentions. what if I accidentally set them off? would they hit me? Lord knows I can't go through that again.

Positive 3: I can tend to my baby and feel safe for the time being.

But what will they do when they find out about me being pregnant? Would they kick me out? I'm 2 months now and I'm going to start showing soon if i haven't started to already. I'd been wearing big shirts to cover my stomach. but what if i stay longer than intended? theyre going to be upset when i go into labor and suddenly birth a baby.

Meek's baby at that.

Postive 4: It's not like theyre ugly or anything..

Wrong time Onika..

I feel lonely. Iv'e been sitting in this dark room and i'm beginning to get hungry. I guess I'd have to go ask for some food soon, but I can hold off for a little while, not too long though because I need to feed my baby.

My next appointment is in about 2 weeks, hopefully I can find out the gender. It's a huge inconvience, but iv'e always wanted a child.

Just not with him.

Regardless, I was going to keep the child, i think i should give him a chance. I just wonder how BK is going to react when they find out. I wonder if they've already noticed? That can't be. iv'e barely been in this predicament 1 day. They can't know already?

I wouldn't put it past them. to be involved in whatever illegal activities they participated in, it seems like they had a pretty good amount of intelligence. I have to stop thinking so negativley. not good for the baby.

I thought about names for boys and girls.

If it was a girl i think i would name her Cinnamon. I know it's a weird name, but all I crave now these days in cinnamon. Ice cream, pastries, hell even the smell of cinnamon would make me satisfied. I thought it was cute.

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