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11:43 𝙋𝙈


This baby is so ghetto.

Not to mention my bigger baby was acting a damn fool while I was in labor. The pain I feel right now is actually excruciating, this is not fun at all. Bey is over here yelling and chanting about it being her birthday while getting scared every time I tell her to shut up. It's been about two hours now and Ciel refuses to come out!

Its time for me to push again and I yell for Beyonce to come over, she's been off to the side looking terrified. I genuinely don't think she's ever seen me like this, it's a strange mic of emotions for me, the pain i'm feeling right now is immeasurable, this boy's head is HUGE. Whining, I take a deep breath while bey comes over to squeeze my hand.

"That shit lowkey look like it hurt, bae." She said, with a slight frown, scratching her head. I didn't have time to reply before the doctor shouted out to talk to me, I felt the pain arising in my core as I started to push again, I was crying, I just want his bigheaded ass to get OUT of my vagina!

"Okay, I need to to push again mama." Doctor Ventura shouted to me.

Her delivering my baby was not ideal, Bey's ghetto ass hated her from last visit we had, she even put her gun to her head and threatened her first time she stepped in here. A handful. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and began to pushing.




Mink was squeezing my hand like a bitch oh my fucking goddd.

Not complaining though, She was having my son and I couldn't be happier, she seemed like she was struggling too. That has to be the scariest shit I've even seen, surprised I ain't fainted yet. She was screaming so loud I thought she was gon' bust my fucking eardrums, shit was crazy.

"YONNIE! IT HURTS!!" I squeezed her hand tighter, she had been an emotional mess ever since We got in here, everything she was saying was irrational but i couldn't say anything because I wasn't carrying the baby, trying my best to calm her down, i squeezed her hand tighter while she cried.

"i'm sorry baby, is' almost done okay? Just take deep breaths okay, it'll be out soon. I think i said the wrong thing because she glared at me.

"DOCTORRR! SHE JUST SAID SHE HATES ME AND THE BABY!!" She whined. Rolling my eyes I let go of her hand and she gasped, smirking I knew I had got her, I've learn a little shit about handling her hormones when she gets like this.

"So youn' want me in here?"

"NO! BABY I DIDN'T SAY THAAAT! PLEASE DONT GO!" She was crying pushing the little nigga out. I saw he was coming out a little more and the sight was honestly makin' me want to throw my shit up. Hurriedly putting my hands into hers and kissing her forehead, I rubbed her head while she kept screaming into my ear. I wondered how long all this pushing shit would last.

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